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Research Grant Opportunities

Below is a listing of upcoming grant deadlines. Select from the list on the right for upcoming deadlines in each corresponding month. Please check with the major funding agencies for a complete and up to date listing of grants offered. The News and Announcements page also lists recent call for proposal announcements.

**Please note that the Office of Research requires applications be received: a minimum of 3 working days before the funding agency deadline for institutional signoff; and 10 working days prior to deadline for administrative review and institutional signoff. Appropriate Department Head and Associate Dean (Research) signatures for all applicants/co-applicants must be received by the Office of Research prior to Director's signature. Please adjust listed sponsor deadlines to accommodate for the institutional deadlines.**

Internal/Institutional Grants

Listing of grants available to Memorial University faculty only.

External Grants

CIHR Funding Opportunity Database
CIHR provides a full list of funding opportunities which CIHR and its partners have announced between December 24, 2007 and January 30, 2008. To view these opportunities, click here. Simply select the title from the list which is sorted alphabetically.

NSERC Application Deadlines
A complete list of grants sponsored by NSERC broken down by program type.

SSHRC List of Programs
A complete list of grants sponsored by SSHRC broken down by program type.


The SCN is pleased to announce the following funding opportunities for any team of investigators eligible to receive a CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC grants:

Catalyst Research Program: The Stem Cell Network is now conducting an open call for Catalyst Research Proposals. The Network expects to fund 20-30 catalyst projects over the next four years, generally to a maximum of $50,000 total per project. For exceptional proposals, the SCN may consider increasing its investment to a maximum of $100,000 to match third party partner investments, or where there is an extraordinary degree of participation in the project from the user sector. Applications are reviewed quarterly. Competition guidelines and Application Package can be found online.

For more information on the SCN Research Program, please contact Sophie Chargé, SCN Director of Research Programs, at or 613-562-5800 ex:8590.

Preliminary applications to the NSERC Strategic Network Grants Program
New preliminary applications to the Strategic Network Grants Program will be accepted in the following three Strategic Target Areas:

  • Advanced Communications and Management of Information
  • Healthy Environment and Ecosystems
  • Sustainable Energy Systems (Production, Distribution and Utilization)

These target areas fall within the areas highlighted in the Government of Canada’s science and technology strategy and will benefit from increased earmarked funding. The deadline for NSERC to receive preliminary applications for the 2008 Strategic Network Grants competition will be June 20, 2008. NSERC will post minor revisions to the Strategic Network Grants program description and application instructions on its Web site in early March. For more information, please contact the NSERC Research Partnerships Programs Directorate by e-mail at or by telephone at (613) 995-1111.

Secondary Stroke Prevention Health Services and Care Team Grants – Requests for Applications
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC) and the Canadian Stroke Network (CSN) has announced the launch of a RFA for research in secondary stroke prevention health services and care. The primary objective of this strategic initiative is to help advance the goals of the Canadian Stroke Strategy by supporting research that examines how to improve the timely delivery of secondary prevention services and care that will ensure optimal outcomes for stroke patients. The dadline for letter of intent is May 14. Applicants will be notified in June if their proposal is successful and full applications are due November 7. For more information, click here.

CFI Leading Edge and New Initiative Funds Competition 2009
June 30, 2008 (Letter of Intent)
Reflecting the key role outlined for the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) in the Government of Canada’s Science and Technology Strategy, the 2009 Leading Edge (LEF) and New Initiatives Funds (NIF) competition seeks innovative and transformative infrastructure projects covering the full spectrum of research and development activities and all disciplines, which will lead to breakthroughs and to advantages for Canadians. Full applications are due October 3, 2008. Further details are available here.

Inter-American Collaboration in Materials Research (CIAM) Pre-Announcement
August 2008 (Letter of Intent)
In spring 2008, in partnership with foreign granting agencies, NSERC will be requesting applications under the theme of materials research. This will be the fourth competition of the Inter-American Collaboration in Materials Research (CIAM). CIAM is an international initiative that supports opportunities for interactions among materials researchers in order to build on the strengths of each country. Researchers planning to seek funding for collaborative projects under the CIAM initiative should apply to their respective countries. Eligible Canadian researchers may plan bi-lateral projects or multi-lateral projects with foreign researchers eligible for funding from one of the partner granting agencies. NSERC will give priority to multi-lateral projects.
The next Call for Proposals for CIAM Initiative will be made in spring 2008 as part of the Special Research Opportunity (SRO) program. New in 2008 is a cap on the amount of funding that can be requested ($60,000 per year for three years per project).
Researchers interested in applying to this program must submit a letter of intent in August 2008. Following a review of letters of intent, applicants will be selected and invited to prepare a full application in fall 2008. Funding decisions are expected to be available in late spring 2009. NSERC anticipates providing $1.5 million over three years to this initiative.
Researchers interested in planning a multi-lateral project for the next CIAM competition may apply at any time for SRO Pre-research funding to assist in the planning. . For further information contact Sandra A.K. O’Connor at or (613) 996-4463.

No Set Deadlines

Going Global Science and Technology Program
Six weeks prior to start of activity
Applications are invited under Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada’s Going Global Science and Technology (S&T) Program. Support of between $8,000 and $50,000 per request is available to cover 50% of total project costs. The Program supports the costs of face-to-face meetings with potential international collaborators to move discussions forward to the point where researchers can begin the research and development (R&D) phase of a planned initiative. The meetings funded by the Going Global Program may be used to formulate the partnership and conduct detailed planning of the collaborative R&D initiative including defining objectives, activities, timelines and responsibilities. For further information, see the Going Global website. Applications must be submitted six weeks in advance of the planned activity.

Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Division - Request for Expression of Interest
The Department of Environment and Conservation, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is launching an ambitious program to improve our understanding of caribou demographics, movement patterns, and population dynamics. Woodland caribou on the island portion of the province are considered ‘secure’ but have recently entered into a population decline. The Wildlife Division is developing a program to better understand the rates and causes of the decline, and to determine effective management measures that may be applied to mitigate the decline. Further information is available here, or contact Ken Curnew or Christine Doucet.

NSERC Atlantic Discretionary Grant Fund
Six-Eight weeks prior to start of activity
NSERC Atlantic has revised its guidelines and application form for the NSERC Atlantic Discretionary Grant Fund. This Fund typically supports requests in the range of $1,000 to $5,000 from academic institutions, individuals, student groups and others for support of special events and activities related to the natural sciences and engineering. Applications should be submitted as early as possible before the event or activity. In general, six to eight weeks are required for processing. Copies of the guidelines and application form are available from the Office of Research.

NSERC Northern Research Internships Program
Minimum eight weeks prior to start of internship
To facilitate extended stays and subsidize the costs associated with research in the Canadian North, NSERC is continuing its Northern Research Internships Program. Senior undergraduate students (in their final two years of a bachelor’s degree), full-time registered graduate students and postdoctoral fellows interested in applying should visit the NSERC website for complete details. For the 12-16 week research internship work term, NSERC will provide up to $10,000 (which includes an allowance of up to $4,000 for travel and logistics). Holders of an NSERC USRA, PGS, IPS, PDF, or CGS will qualify for a stipend of $125 per week. All other applicants will qualify for a stipend of $375 per week. Northern partners must supplement the internship by at least $125 per week (or may provide in-kind support such as room and board). The university supervisor must supplement the internship by at least $125 per week for the duration of the award. Up to 30 awards per year are available and there is no NSERC deadline. Applicants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and applications should be made at least 8 weeks before the start of the internship.

New NSERC Strategic Workshops Program
NSERC has announced a new pilot Strategic Workshops Program. This program offers grants of up to $25,000 to hold workshops which bring together small, highly focused groups to seed collaborations between Canadian academic researchers and the industry and government receptor community in the areas of research targeted by the Strategic Project Grants and Strategic Network Grants Programs. Forty (40) of these grants will be offered each year under the 3-year period of the pilot program. For further program details, click here. Applications may be submitted at any time.

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute - Scholar Travel Subsidy Grants
Deadline: 6 weeks before proposed travel
This programme will assist scholars in participating in conferences and academic meetings through travel subsidies. Grants are available to Canadian scholars for travel to and/or in India and to Indian scholars for travel to and/or in Canada. Applicants must have been invited to participate by academic institutions and be affiliated with a Shastri Institute member institution. The Institute will provide up to $1,200 to fund 50% of scholar’s total travel costs. $20,000 are available for these grants in 2007-08. Send completed application form (see to Shastri Institute Canada Office. Attach:

  • Reason for travel;
  • Description of presentation, research or other activity to be carried out;
  • Itinerary;
  • CV (not more that three pages);
  • Letter of invitation.

Requests will be accommodated throughout the year on a first-applied, first-funded basis.


The Kidney Foundation of Canada - Special Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition Deadline: May 9

Secondary Stroke Prevention Health Services and Care Team Grants Deadline: May 14 (Letter of Intent)

CIHR HIV/AIDS Population Health and Health Services Deadline: May 15 (Letter of Intent)

CIHR Team Grant: Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Deadline: May 15 (Letter of Intent)

Canadian Hemophilia Society/Association of Hemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada Homeostasis Fellowship Award Deadline: May 30

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation's Research Grants/Awards Deadline: May 31


CIHR Catalyst Grant: Prevention and Treatment of Illicit Substance Use Deadline: June 1 (Registration)

CIHR Grant: Gender, Mental Health and Addictions Deadline: June 2 (Letter of Intent)

CIHR Grants: Meetings, Planning and Dissemination (Various Institutes) Deadline: June 2

CIHR Operating Grant - Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention Deadline: June 2 (Application, 2nd 2008 Competition)

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario Endowed Chair in Population Health Research Deadline: June 2

PRAC Asset Integrity in Atlantic Canada Deadline: June 9 (Letter of Intent)

NSERC Strategic Network Grants Program Deadline: June 20

CFI Leading Edge and New Initiative Funds Competition 2009 Deadline: June 30 (Letter of Intent)

CIHR Doctoral Research Award: Physiotherapy and Mobility in Aging Deadline: June 30 (Application)