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Strategic Research Plan

wave tank

Memorial University is the only university in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The University is shaped and sustained by the highest standards of contemporary research, and by the people, economy, location and history of its community.

More than 50 per cent of all the research and development undertaken in Newfoundland and Labrador is performed by researchers at Memorial University.

Memorial University is committed to excellence in teaching, research and scholarship, and service to the general public. Its mandate involves undertaking research on the challenges facing the province and sharing its expertise with its community.

This Strategic Research Plan for Memorial has been designed to promote and enhance basic and applied research, and to take advantage of the aspects of the University's location and community.

The Goal

The goal of Memorial University's Strategic Research Plan for the Canada Research Chairs program and the Canada Foundation for Innovation program is to develop and sustain major, internationally recognized research in four thematic areas: Ocean and Coastal Studies; Industrial Development and Environmental Sustainability; Health; and North Atlantic/Newfoundland and Labrador Studies.

Memorial's goal is to double its research capacity in each of these four areas over the next five years. The University's goal is to be recognized internationally for its high calibre research capacity in these thematic areas.


Implementation will be affected in the context of the broader research agenda and aspirations of the university community, especially in light of the major faculty renewal that is anticipated at Memorial over the next decade. The foundations of the Plan will ensure that the continuum of basic and applied research at Memorial and the communication of these outcomes will be fully developed. Appropriate exchange of knowledge to foster improved socio-economic and cultural development, to inform public policy, and promote efficiencies in the use of public resources, will be achieved.


This Plan was developed through wide consultations, involving Memorial's Research Council, representatives of faculties and schools, the University's Planning and Budget Committee, and the Senior Executive Committee. Its implementation will give operational effect to selected areas of the broader University research agenda.


Over the past number of years, Memorial University has made a significant investment in the support of student research. Providing support for developing researchers will be a fundamental aim of the University in the future development of its research agenda.

Allies and Partners

Implementation of the Strategic Research Plan will foster arrangements with allies and partners, both internal and external to Memorial University.

Opportunities for partnering with regional and national agencies will be pursued vigorously, as will partnerships with the private sector and community-based organizations.

Partnerships already formed with departments of the provincial government and regional agencies will be enhanced.

Funding programs such as the Canada Research Chairs program and the Canada Foundation for Innovation, will enable Memorial to acquire vital research infrastructure and to build capacity. For example, high performance computing is a critical enabling technology for many strategic research activities. The establishment of a network of computing infrastructure in partnership with other institutions and the private sector is an institutional priority.

Individuals and Groups

Where strategically desirable, sharing of resources and interdisciplinary approaches to major research questions will be encouraged.

Memorial University recognizes that core disciplinary competencies must be developed and sustained, and that the unique ability and approaches of a single investigator can have as much impact on a field of study as team approaches to certain problems. The recognition of these core values and provision of a supportive environment for both individual and team research will be fundamental to the successful future development of internationally recognized research strengths at Memorial.

Thematic Research Areas

Oceans and Coastal Studies

Over the five decades of its existence, Memorial University has taken advantage of its location to build outstanding expertise in the physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural aspects of our ocean environment. A range of disciplines and faculties embrace these studies in the sciences, engineering, social sciences, and the humanities. The areas targeted for additional key investment under this theme are: Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology; Ocean Resources and Oceanography; Ocean Engineering and Structures; Environmental Engineering, and; Marine Technology Development.

Strengths in Ocean Engineering will be expanded to include the development of innovative marine vehicles for harsh environment applications, advanced fishing vessel design, techniques for assessing environmental loads on offshore structures, innovative remote sensing technologies, and techniques and technologies that will increase our understanding of risk and improve safety and reliability for industrial activities in the ocean environment.

Industrial Development and Environmental Sustainability

Exploitation of natural resources – fishing, mining, energy, forestry, and the oil and gas industry – has been key to the economic life of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Atlantic region. The continued sustainability of these resources is critical to the economic and social well-being of Canada. Enhancement in Memorial University's research capacity is planned to advance the areas of Fishing, Forestry and Mining. The Oil and Gas industry will be supported by research that will enable Memorial to become a global leader in this area.

In addition, economic diversification is crucial to the future of the province. Memorial University plays a pivotal role in this diversification through its current and future research capacity and by preparing people to fully participate in the new knowledge-based economy. Memorial is developing high performance computational and communications technologies to enable research at the highest level. This infrastructure complements and supports expanded research activities directed toward advanced computing, communications, instrumentation and control technologies that facilitate economic diversification and development.

Memorial University intends to capitalize on opportunities and build strengths in areas such as Biotechnology, especially Marine Biotechnology.

The development of new materials and the application of their novel properties has yielded dramatic scientific and technological advances. The University will build on existing strengths in materials science and engineering to advance the characterisation and analysis of micro- and nano-materials through shared research facilities, and interdisciplinary collaborative research.

Memorial University has established a strong core capacity for interdisciplinary studies which embrace socio-economic, biological, physical and health concepts of the environment. These will be encouraged and strengthened under this Plan.

Continued development of the University's capacities to examine the socio-cultural aspects of the economy and new technologies is an integral component of the Plan. Memorial will help equip the province and the region for the exploitation of these sectors in an ethically sound and environmentally sustainable fashion.


Memorial University is committed to promoting the health of individuals and the population in this region through research. The University has developed internationally recognized core strengths in the research areas of Basic Sciences, Health Services and Systems, and Applied Clinical Research.

Memorial University wishes to enhance its basic research programs and draw on strengths in the areas of Immunity and Infection, Stroke, Neuroscience, Cell Proliferation and Cancer, and Metabolism and Nutrition. Emerging strengths in Pharmacy and Genetics cross several of these programs.

In addition to the development of new integrated communication and media technologies, Memorial University will also focus its research on issues associated with e-health, such as regulations, information systems and integrated practice through distance.

Memorial University encourages university-wide research on health delivery and the development of its technology, on studies of the impact of industrial activity and technology on the individual and the community, as well as ways of preventing or alleviating associated negative effects. In addition to work in the Faculty of Medicine, these goals are pursued in other schools and faculties, including Arts, Business, Engineering, Human Kinetics and Recreation, Nursing, and Social Work. Occupational health and safety is one such research focus already in place.

In the field of Human Genetics, Memorial University will continue to develop its strengths and explore the ethical and legal implications of this research.

The University will also strengthen its capacity and promote disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies in Bioethics and the Society, Culture and Health of Populations.

North Atlantic/Newfoundland and Labrador Studies

Newfoundland and Labrador has a remarkable socio-economic and cultural history. The province's population is long established. Its physical environment rewards resilience, as do challenges to public resource allocation and public policy development.

Memorial University will strengthen its research in archeology, cultural ecology, linguistics and the cultural milieu of Newfoundland and Labrador to sustain a world leading authority in these areas.

The challenge of developing public policy and practice that reflect a broad range of social and economic issues will be pursued in the context of the province and how these issues relate in an international context.

As an "essential university" for its community, Memorial has developed a proud tradition of support for the humanities. This essential core of humanities scholarship will continue to be a priority and will be supported in this Plan under the area of Textual Studies.

The province of Newfoundland and Labrador presents a unique opportunity for the promotion and development in the field of Fine Arts, including both visual and performing arts. Research capacity in these areas is essential to the nature of Memorial University and will form a part of future strategic developments.

Allocation Process

A process to determine the internal allocation of Canada Research Chairs has been established at Memorial University.

Deans and Directors submit proposals which are vetted by an advisory committee consisting of the Dean of Graduate Studies, the principal of Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial's campus in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, and four senior university researchers.

This committee will make recommendations to the University's Vice-President (Academic), Vice-President (Research) and President regarding applications to be forwarded to the Canada Research Chairs program for consideration.