Project Grants

NLCAHR Project Grants

Application Deadline: February 1, 2008
Grant Announcement: April 14, 2008
Total Maximum Amount: $40,000
Maximum Duration: 1 year
Grants per Funding Cycle: Variable

Purpose & General Guidelines
Project Grants will support an individual or a group of individuals led by a Principal Investigator. The purpose of these grants is to support small projects of high scientific quality that may not be eligible for funding from external sources and are of direct relevance to the mandate and priorities of the Centre.

An applicant may apply for more than one Project Grant but will be allowed to accept only one grant per competition as Principal Investigator or as Co-investigator.

A maximum of $40,000 will be awarded in Project Grants in 2007-2008. This total amount can be awarded either to one applicant or to several applicants, depending on the merit of the proposals submitted.

These grants are designed to defray the normal direct costs of research including personal costs, supplies and expendable materials, equipment, computing costs, research travel (to a maximum of 20% of the total budget), and dissemination and communications.

Grant funds will be released only upon the receipt of a letter of approval from the appropriate ethics review committee (see Ethics). Once a proposal has been funded, major changes in the project design or major departures from the budget will require the prior approval of the Centre.

Recipients of either a Project Grant or a Development Grant from NLCAHR as a Principal Investigator in the previous year are not eligible to apply during the current cycle, but are eligible to act as Co-Investigators. Applicants may apply for both a Project and Development Grant during the same funding cycle, but cannot be awarded both research grants concurrently in a given year.

See General Eligibility Guidelines

Selection Criteria: See General Selection Criteria Guidelines

  • Relevance of the proposed research to the Centre's mandate and priority research themes
  • Academic record and potential of the candidate(s), based on: expertise and research experience; and past contributions to applied health research and related fields.
  • Merit of the proposal, based on: originality; potential contribution to applied health research; clarity of presentation and appropriateness of design and research plan; feasibility of the proposed work; and appropriateness and justification of the budget.
  • Priority will be given to recently established researchers (within the first five years of a first full-time appointment) and researchers who do not currently hold a major grant from an external funding agency.

Project Grant Application Form

NLCAHR Awards Guide 2008
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