Visiting Lecturer Awards

NLCAHR Visiting Lecturer Awards

Application Deadlines: Open
Awards Announcement: Within 1 month of application
Maximum Amount: $1,000 per Award
Awards per Funding Cycle: 5

Purpose & General Guidelines
The purpose of the Visiting Lecturer Award is to assist academic units that wish to invite specialists in applied health research to Newfoundland and Labrador. The Visiting Lecturer should be someone whose visit will be of significant benefit to the hosts and contribute to the health research community in general. Objectives for the visit may include:

  • spending time with a local research team
  • giving lectures to appropriate groups of faculty, students and members of the community
  • participating in seminars with appropriate groups of faculty and students

Preference will be given to applications relevant to the Centre’s mandate and research priorities. The current Priority Research Themes are:

  • Population health and health services challenges of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • health promotion and wellness
  • efficiency and effectiveness of the provincial health care system

Proposals for Visiting Lecturer Awards should come from the dean or director of the host academic unit, and should provide:

  • a Curriculum Vitae of the applicant
  • a letter explaining how the visit will contribute to research in the host unit
  • an estimated budget for the proposed visit specifying the amount requested from the Centre and the amount being requested from other sources

This award is intended to help defray the costs related to travel and accommodation of the visiting lecturer. The maximum amount of expenditures that will be covered by the Centre is $1,000.

To apply for this award, please send a letter of intent to The applicant(s) will be informed of a decision within one month of the application.

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