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Heritage Animal
Learn more about Newfoundland and Labrador's marketing studies and product statistics.
Marketing Information
Guelph Food Technology Centre
Marketing Food in Atlantic Canada Guide
(pdf - 145 kb)
PEI Food Technology Centre
Weekly Market Prices
UPC Codes for Newfoundland and Labrador Fruit (pdf - 68 kb)
UPC Codes for Newfoundland and Labrador Vegetables (pdf - 72 kb)

Marketing Studies
Lamb, Beef, and Pork (pdf - 105 kb)
  Wholesale and Other Opportunities In the Vegetable Industry - 2007  (pdf - 243 kb)
  2005 Atlantic Consumer Research Study
  • pdf (English | French)
  • Agricultural Producer Cooperatives: A Discussion Paper (pdf - 159 kb)

    The Economy 2005
    Financial Statistics
    Crop Statistics
    Livestock Statistics
    Consumption Statistics
    General Statistics
    2003 Statistics Handbook (pdf - 2 mb)
    Statistics Canada
    The Economy 2004

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