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Welcome to Memorial


Clock tower in evening, St. John's Memorial University is an inclusive community dedicated to creativity, innovation and excellence in teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and to public engagement and service. We recognize our special obligation to the citizens of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Memorial welcomes students and scholars from all over the world and contributes knowledge and shares expertise locally, nationally, and internationally.

This mission statement is at the core of all of Memorial's plans for its programs, campuses and activities at home and abroad.

To learn more about the university's plans and priorities, consult these online resources:

  • The Strategic Plan and Targets Document were approved by Senate at a special meeting on January 30, 2007. The documents received final approval from the Board of Regents at its February 1, 2007 meeting.
  • In 1999 Memorial University adopted a Strategic Framework to guide planning and priorities. This document outlines a number of priorities and strategies and progress towards these objectives is noted in progress reports, also on line. In 2005, the university announced its intention to develop a new Strategic Plan.
  • The annual President's Report contains an overview of university plans and activities as well as a wide variety of facts and figures, including complete audited financial statements.
  • The Centre for Institutional Analysis and Planning (CIAP) collects, analyses and disseminates institutional data to help inform strategic planning, particularly for academic units. This information includes academic performance profiles, surveys of first year and graduating students, and the results of academic program reviews.
  • CIAP also publishes an annual Factbook, which highlights key information about Memorial, including student and human resources profile data, financial information, research statistics, and alumni and development statistics.
  • Memorial's Calendar contains the university's program offerings and regulations, plus general information on the institution and scholarships available.
  • The annual Research Report provides an overview of the diverse range of research ideas being explored at Memorial and highlights the progress we have made towards our research targets, and our contributions to the community.