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Marketing & Communications

Image Services

photographer at work

Image Services offers the university community a wealth of expertise in photography, graphic design, project management and the production of print materials.

Our creative staff of project specialists, editors, designers and photographers work together with clear goals that produce result-proven, award-winning products.

We produce publications for the university, such as The President’s Report and The Research Report, which appeal to a wide and diverse audience. We also produce more audience-specific materials such as newsletters for parents, information brochures for donors, and an infinite selection of posters, brochures, newsletters and print ads (to name a few items) for Memorial employees, alumni, potential students, corporations, and the international community.

While every job is unique and there’s no easy formula for getting it “right”, we can add that extra edge and professional polish all while staying within your budget.

To learn more about our services and how we can help you, contact:

Joyce MacKinnon
Manager, Image Services
Room: FM2038

Tel: 709-737-2088
Fax: 709-737-6156