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Marketing & Communications

Ambassador explains Canada’s mission

David Sproule

Canada's Ambassador to Afghanistan David Sproule visited Memorial's St. John's campus Sept. 25 to present on Canada's role in rebuilding that country after years of war. The ambassador shared his insight and answered questions at a special community event in the D. F. Cook Recital Hall, School of Music.

According to information provided by the Government of Canada, support for Afghanistan's reconstruction is a high priority. While Canada's defense role is well-known - since 2001 more than 14,000 Canadian Forces members have been deployed to the region - Canada is also making important contributions through development and diplomacy.

In fact, Afghanistan projects represent the largest bilateral CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) investment in any country, at almost $1 billion pledged for the decade from 2001-2011. That's a massive increase from the about $10 million Canada spent in humanitarian aid prior to 2001.

That support includes a wide range of projects, from landmine education to the reintegration of refuges. Canada has also provided savings and microloan services to more than 150,000 Afghan small business owners, 90 per cent of them women.

Listen to Mr. Sproule's presentation (13.6 mb, 29 mins.) and a spirited and informative question and answer session (13.9 mb, 30 mins.) which followed.