Broadcast Centre

Since November of 2001 the House of Assembly proceedings have been televised live on cable. Check with your local cable provider for channel information. In Newfoundland and Labrador the cable providers are Rogers and Persona.

The live broadcast of the Newfoundland and Labrador, House of Assembly proceedings are up-linked via satellite by DELT, Distance Education Learning Technologies (Formally ETV) Memorial University of Newfoundland. The signal is offered free of charge to the local cable companies who in turn provide the channel to the public.

The Broadcast Centre is also responsible for the recording of all the committees of the House, including select committees.

In the House there are 5 cameras on robotic pedestals mounted into recessed openings in the walls, two in either side of the Chamber and one above the main entrance of the Chamber. All cameras are remotely operated from the control room. Each Member's desk in the Chamber is equipped with a microphone, a tally light, a speaker, and a headphone jack with volume control.

The Broadcast Centre was designed to be as automated as possible but can also be fully operated manually. When the Speaker of the House recognizes a Member, the audio operator switches on the Member's mic which triggers a series of automatic events. The Crestron (our automation system) will select the camera assigned to that Member and move it into the preprogramed position for that Member. The Crestron then brings the camera shot up on the switcher’s preview bus for final adjustments by the camera operator before going to air. The Crestron also brings up the Member's title information for the operator to insert on air when required.

For more information on the Broadcast Centre please contact:

Broadcast Centre
House of Assembly
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL
A1B 4J6
Phone: (709)729-7448
Fax: (709)729-6699

Don Brewer, Manager of Broadcast Services (A).