
Faculty of Arts

Diploma in Applied Ethics


Introduction to Applied Ethics

The Department of Philosophy has established a Diploma in Applied Ethics. The program offers a basic foundation in ethics for all its students and an opportunity to specialize in specific fields.

The Diploma is currently available in three concentrations:

In future, diplomas may be developed in other areas of concentration such as educational, legal, engineering, business and media ethics. 

The Diploma will develop and focus a range of skills in a unique segment of the student population: writing in a theoretically sophisticated yet practical manner, researching significant ethical issues and institutions, building policy analyses, crafting communications and liaison abilities, and learning about important Newfoundland organizations.

While administered by the Philosophy Department, this Diploma program includes a number of relevant elective courses (and possibly one required course) from other departments in the Faculties of Arts and Science.

This Diploma is part of Memorial University's mandate is to make a significant contribution to the larger community. Prospective students, field placement organizations and ethical professionals all indicated a clear interest in and need for such a program in the province.

Requirements of the Diploma

The core of the three concentrations will be courses in ethics, especially the 2800-2810 Contemporary Issues series. Each of the concentrations will have an anchor in one of the Contemporary Issues courses and all concentrations will share a core set of theoretical courses. The only new courses the program requires are Philosophy 4900, which will be an individual reading course, and Philosophy 5000, the Instructional Field Placement in Applied Ethics.

The Diploma in Applied Ethics consists of 24 credit hours including an instructional field course of a minimum of six weeks duration (the latter may be waved given sufficient relevant work experience).

The certificate in practical ethics will require 18 credit hours of required courses and 6 credit hours of elective courses. The required courses ensure a strong grasp of the theoretical aspects of the chosen field of concentration. The choice of electives allows a student to shape the program more to their own interests and academic needs. Electives may be taken in Philosophy, Biology, Economics, English, Folklore, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, and Sociology/Anthropology. Approval for electives must be granted by the Program coordinator. There are no restrictions against double counting of Diploma courses for major or minor programs. All prerequisites in philosophy and other Departments apply to all Diploma courses. A minimum of 9 credit hours leading to the Diploma must be taken at this university.