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Distance Education and Learning Technologies

Instructional Development Office

The Instructional Development Office

(IDO) supports the entire university teaching community in enhancing teaching knowledge and skills. All faculty members, sessional instructors, lecturers, graduate students, and other professional teaching staff, whether they teaching on-campus or on-line, are invited to participate in the programs, events, and services that are made available through the Office. Academic units are encouraged to contact the Office for support in organizing group processes and procedures that enhance teaching and learning. The staff of the office also promotes, and participates in, the development of pan-university policies related to teaching and learning.

Mission and Goals

The Instructional Development Office provides leadership, support, advocacy, and development services and programs to enhance teaching and learning at Memorial University. The goals of the Office are to:
  • Foster a culture that values teaching and learning
  • Advocate effective teaching practices and exemplary course design
  • Promote the scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Support the implementation of the principles of adult learning
  • Provide group process support and leadership to instructional leaders
  • Promote classroom design that accommodates a variety of teaching styles
  • Support the integration of technology in teaching
  • Recognize and reward excellence in teaching
  • Promote the development of pan-university policies on teaching and learning

The Instructional Development Office is a fully funded support service unit of Memorial University. There is no charge to individuals or department for services provided.