Hey Residents of Burke!

I currently gained access to the system so I can finally update the site and I have been doing a little work on it as of late. A fair bit has been done in the last few days. I've updated all of the info on the exec pages and have completed profiles for Ian and myself. The other 2 exec. members should have profiles in the near future. The forums have been cleaned up and I have decided to go with just 2 separate categories. There is now a general forum for the majority of house conversation, and another dealing strictly with house clothing. If you're a new resident coming to Burke, the forums are a great way to find answers on any issue you have about moving here in the fall. Just post your question and someone will surely reply with an answer rather quickly. If anyone has any new ideas that they would like to see on the site, feel free to post them on the forums and I'll see what I can do about them as well. The staff page has also been updated with all of the new members' pictures and positions within the house.

Also, we are in the process of working on the house shirt orders. For anyone who is coming to Burke in the fall, you can leave a message on the forums stating which shirt size you want (I've already created a forum topic for this) or you can e-mail Ian or myself. Our e-mails are in our profiles on the exec. page, but for convenience sake, here they are again:
Ian - macneil@engr.mun.ca
Parsons - matt_parsons_11@hotmail.com
I'll be continuing to work on the site throughout the duration of the summer, so make sure to check back often! Don't forget to use the forums as well!
P.S. All of the main modules have been reactivated, so they should all be working again now. :)

- Parsons