Rothermere house is one of ten houses in Paton College. Most of them are co-ed, where males and females live in the same house. There are only three houses that are not co-ed. Blackall and Squires are all-female houses and Doyle is an all male house. Rothermere was actually the first house to become co-ed back in 1992. Burke house also turned co-ed that year. If anybody is wondering what exactly I mean by co-ed, it does not mean that a male might be sharing a room with a female. Your roommate will be of the same sex as you are.


Each house usually has 80-100 residents, with a few people always moving out within a week of moving in, and more people quickly taking their place. Some people simply can't get used to residence life or simply don't want to give it a chance. But then there are those who almost leave but stick it out and are glad they did. For many people, the pros of rez life far out-weight the cons. Living in rez means that you never have to worry about paying rent, heating, lighting, food, dishes and more.

Tradition is a big part of rez life as well. Every house has its own traditions that they hold on to, such as chants, mascots, events, etc. Rothermere is no exception. Every year there is an R-Day, Senior auction, cabin party, and the year-end Formal. Depending on interest in the house, other events are organized besides the ones just listed. Near the end of each term, house clothes are ordered, with the mascot and/or house logo on them along with the house colors. This webpage is mostly done with the house colors of teal, burgundy, and grey. There are many other traditions that you will only find out when you become a resident.

The only thing left is for you to do is put Rothermere as your preferred house of choice on your application to Student Housing.