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Faculty of Arts

What Arts Offers

The Faculty of Arts offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in the social sciences and the humanities, offering excellence in both teaching and research.

These degree programs examine culture, thought, prehistory and history, human interactions and the social and natural forces that constantly transform our society.

An Arts education can provide incomparable advantages. Our students gain the critical-thinking, analytical and communication skills needed to succeed and adapt in a changing world. An Arts education orders your intellect, improves your strength of mind, enhances your creativity and helps you gain a greater understanding of the world.

By enhancing the ability to reason wisely and well, an Arts education truly prepares students to navigate the professional and personal changes that the future will bring.



May 2 - Arts student wins national student leadership award

Apr 28 - Major band on the run

Apr 18 - Post Doctoral fellowships announced by Faculty of Arts

May 7 - Members of the university are invited to attend the first planning session for the 36th annual Conference of Canadian Association for 18th Century Studies, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., AA 3018,

May 30 & 31 - A public symposium to mark the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Fisherman's Protective Union will be held in Port Union. Symposium is free and open to the public. For further information please contact the Newfoundland Historical Society on 722-3191 or via email on

Department Focus : Linguistics

Gerard Van Herk

Undergraduate research generates linguistic results

A new MUN course on Language Variation and Change is producing valuable sociolinguistic findings, not just trained researchers. A collaborative project saw 11 students analyze over 3000 sentences from the local discussion group Bluekaffee and Newfoundland-oriented Facebook sites. The findings were significant enough that they presented them at the recent Aldrich conference, among graduate student papers. Read More

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