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Department of Biology

Welcome to the Department of Biology

Biology Home Page

at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Biology faculty engage in a wide variety of research much of which is focused on our unique natural environment of boreal forest and cold ocean ecosystems. Our faculty and staff are committed to excellence in teaching and scholarship that benefits and increases our understanding of the natural resources of Newfoundland and Labrador and their sustainable use by the people of our Province. Graduate students can enroll in both MSc and PhD programs and study with faculty in Biology and those affiliated with other Faculty of Science units at Memorial University. Our department offers several undergraduate programs including an Honours program and field courses.

Departmental News

Robyn Auld recently received two graduate student awards.

1) Ms. Auld was selected as one of three recipients in Atlantic Canada to receive the 2008 Graduate Student Award of Merit from the Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada. This prize is given annually to women graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the university or general community while maintaining exemplary academic records.

2) Co-winner of the 2008 Memorial University Graduate Student Teaching Award.

Ms Ana Duggan has been selected for the Undergraduate Diversity Mentoring Program at this year’s annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, to be held June 5-8 in Barcelona, Spain.

More information (pdf)

Tentative teaching schedule 2008-2009 (pdf)