Computing And Communications
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Computer Support and Purchasing Centre

Network Access and E-mail Services

Computing / Multimedia

Web Assistance

Telecommunications / Mail Services / Printshop

Administrative Computer Systems

Computing & Communications

We value your input. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know.

Welcome to Computing & Communications

Our goal is to provide the highest quality information technology infrastructure and services to Memorial University's students, faculty, and staff in pursuit of the University's general aims and objectives.

We are pleased to provide you with help and answers to frequently asked questions on our online Help Centre. For personalized service with your computing needs, visit our Help Desk (HH-2012) or call us at (709) 737-4595.

Voice over IP   Voice over IP(VoIP) Phone System
Residence Wireless Network   Residence Wireless Network Access

  • Modification of Instant Messaging Security Safeguards
           (Posted: Apr 24, 2008, 10:52pm)

      Printer Friendly Version   //   Updated: Apr 24, 2008
    E-mail Services