
Your Executive invites you to contact any of them if you have any questions or comments.

Remember, there's a YOU in Union!

Recent News

Coming Soon:

Negotiating Committee News!

Remember, you can still make submissions or suggestions to your Negotiating Committee. Click here for the list of committee members.

No Sweat apparel

Local Prez wins National Award!

Mike Murphy, president of CUPE 1615, received a national award for Occupational Health and Safety at the recent National Convention. Read more here.

Latest Minutes of our Joint MUN-CUPE 1615 Occupational Health and Safety Committee

Katz Report

Click Here if you have difficulty viewing the following videos. Shop 'til you drop on a Mexican Wage-(try it)




Monthly Meeting

May 13, 2008
7:30 pm

St. John's members:
ED 3034B
Corner Brook members:
AS-275 Conference Room

Click for more info

The deadline for submissions to the next issue of CUPE on Campus is
Friday, April 18
Ideas, suggestions or submissions for the next issue of CUPE on Campus should be sent to Sheilah Roberts.

Did you know...

EMPLOYEE RIGHTS (CUPE 1615 Collective Agreement - Article 4.02)- At the employee's request, the employee shall be entitled to union representation at meetings with the employer on all matters pertaining to employer-employee relations.


CUPE National Site




©2004-2008 CUPE Local 1615