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Department of Geography

Geography at Memorial

At Memorial, geographers learn to investigate environmental systems from human and physical perspectives.

The integrated nature and spatial organization of our world are key themes in geography. Geographers have the unique capacity to effectively use and integrate multi-disciplinary information for understanding and explaining interactions in a spatial context.

Geography has been taught at Memorial since 1946 and was raised to the status of full department in 1960. Graduate studies began in 1970 with the MA and MSc, and the PhD was added in 1992.

The Department entertains productive academic and research links with other departments such as anthropology, biology, computer sciences, earth sciences, economics, English, folklore, history, philosophy, physical oceanography, and sociology.

Our mission statement is to foster a spirit of inquiry about the geography of the world around us through our teaching and research, and to provide our students with the analytical tools needed to explore the questions that arise and the skills with which to communicate their findings.

The Department currently has 212 students in the Major program, 168 students in the Minor program, 11 students doing an honours degree, and 38 students (11 PhD and 27 Masters) in the graduate program.

To locate our department, open this file in Google Earth.

To learn more about the history of the department click here.

Memorial University campus, St. John's and its harbour, and the Atlantic Ocean.