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ICT programs

The ever expanding role of information technology in our lives is fueling a bright future for information and communications technology (ICT) professionals.

The Software Human Resources Council predicts a steady growth in information technology related employment over the next 10 years, particularly in the area of electronic commerce.

If you have the right skills, you can take advantage of the opportunity that growth represents.

Memorial's ICT programs deliver those skills, providing you with the foundation for a rewarding career and the opportunity to work locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

The programs are short, can be completed full-time or part-time, feature Cisco and Microsoft certified curriculum and are taught by highly certified ITC professionals in an encouraging, supportive atmosphere.

By the end of your studies, you'll be well positioned to write a number of the most recognized industry certifications including A+, CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) and MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional).

Call today—737-7979—and take your next step towards a world of connections.