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Mathematics Learning Centre

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Numbers Not Just for Nerds

""Sherry Mantyka

Sherry Mantyka,
Mathematics Learning Centre
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Science

(Students named Sherry as one of the most popular math profs. at Memorial in Maclean's Magazine's 2005 Guide to Canadian Universities.)

Numbers Not Just for Nerds

(An excerpt from an article by Kim Kielly, The Express, May 18-24, 2006)

Math isn't just for nerds is the message Dr. Sherry Mantyka is trying to get "out there."

We tend to think of people in math as smart, suggests the director of the Mathematic Learning Centre at Memorial, but they're often associated with the social misfits, where the gatekeepers are scruffy men who wear polyester pants, rumpled shirts and pocket protectors.

"If we could break the stereoptype and make math more appealing to more people, then we should be doing everything we can," Mantyka says... Read More...