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Ocean Sciences Centre

Ocean Sciences Centre

View of OSC from the ocean The Ocean Sciences Centre is a cold ocean research facility operated in conjunction with Memorial University of Newfoundland. Located in Logy Bay, NL, the Centre houses laboratories where research is conducted on the North Atlantic fishery, aquaculture, oceanography, ecology, behaviour and physiology. Research is conducted on organisms ranging from bacteria to seals.

Scholarship donation


The Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association recently made a donation of $2,400 in support of the Dr. Joe Brown Scholarship Fund in Aquaculture and Marine Ecology. The $2,400 was raised from the silent auction at the recent NAIA AGM, March 2008, Gander. Pictured from left, Cyr Couturier, NAIA past president; Danny Boyce, NAIA director, at-large rep; Job Halfyard, NAIA president, mussel rep; Ian Fleming, director, OSC; Jennifer Caines, NAIA director, at-large rep; Andy Walsh, NAIA director, cod rep; Miranda Pryor, NAIA executive director. Missing from photo: Nell Halse, director, salmon rep; Robert Barry, director, salmon rep; and Juan Roberts, director, mussel rep.

OSC Facility Panorama