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                                                                                                                                                         Department of Philosophy



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Last Updated April 15, 2008
Suma Rajiva

Philosophy Events


Winter Colloquium Series:

The Philosophy  Winter Colloquium theme this semester is: 


Colloquia talks are Tuesdays (and some Thursdays) 2-3:30 in AA 1045

All are welcome

Click for complete colloquium schedule


*        New series this semester: the Philosophy Society is organizing a student colloquium series this term, Thursdays 12-12:50pm:


Ethics Poster


For more information, including abstracts, location, and dates please click here

NOTE: the student colloquium talk scheduled for March 14 has been postponed indefinitely


*        Stay tuned for a new volume of Codgito , Memorial’s student journal of philosophy



ON-GOING PHILOSOPHY EVENTS (colloquia series, discussion groups, public lectures) (click for a list of events)


Please feel free to send us any comments you may have about this page






Information for Students


New: Spring/Summer 2008 Course Offerings


Winter 2008 Course Offerings


How to apply to the M.A. in Philosophy at Memorial


M.A. Thesis Guidelines (SGS link)

M.A. Thesis submission schedule (SGS link)


Office of the Registrar’s Home Page

School of Graduate Studies Web Site

Scholarships, Awards, Financial Aid (university link)


University Diary 2007-2008

(important dates and deadlines)



Philosophy News


*        The Barend Kiefte Award Ceremony

This year’s Kiefte Award winner and ceremony:

click for more pictures


*        Public Lecture Series continues:

The Public Lectures in Philosophy,  10th series, continued this semester with Dr. Philippe Basabose, Department of French and Spanish,  Memorial University, on “Genocide as a Defiance to Ethics: The Case of Rwanda,” Tuesday, March 25, 8:30-10pm, The Ship Pub

click for more pictures


*        Philosophy society hosts “Leap Year” mixer

click for more pictures


*        Public Lecture Series starts up for the semester

The Public Lectures in Philosophy,  10th series, began again this semester with Arthur Sullivan and Steven Gardner of the Philosophy Department,  Memorial University, on “Putting the ‘Physical’ in ‘Physicalism’”, Tuesday, February 26, 8:30-10pm, The Ship Pub

click for more pictures


*        Morgan Blakley gave the first paper in the new Student Colloquium on Ethics on “The Risk of Language in Plato”, Thursday, Jan. 31st , 2008, 12-12:50pm


*        Visiting Speaker: Dr. John Trent, Fellow of the Centre on Governance, University of Ottawa and retired professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Ottawa, spoke at a number of public events this week:

·   a guest lecture: “Principles of Global Governance”, Thursday, January
17, 2-3:20, A-1045

·     a public panel on “The Afghanistan Mission: Global Governance and the Responsibility to Protect under International Law,” Thursday, Jan. 17, 7:30-9:30, C2045, along with:

-Leo Barry, Judge of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador,

-Natalie Oman, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Memorial University,

-David Thompson, Professor, Philosophy, Memorial University

(the panel presented by the Department of Philosophy in cooperation with the Department of Political Science)

click for further detail and the panel poster


·    Finally, Dr. Trent led  Jockey Club (the first of the semester) in a discussion of  his paper “Modernizing the United Nations System: Civil Society’s role in Moving from International Relations to Global Governance” 4:30 to 6:30 pm at Roxxy's Bar on George St., St. John's.


For a brief biography and CV for Dr. Trent, please click here



*        The Philosophy  Winter Colloquium kicked off with Dr. Evan Simpson’s opening paper on “Truth as the End of Politics”. Tuesday, January 15, 2-3:30pm, AA 1045



Click here for archived news