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Department of Psychology


Welcome to the Department of Psychology.

The department has approximately 350 majors, 30 faculty, and 40 graduate students. Each year, approximately 130 students receive an undergraduate degree in our programs.

At the undergraduate level, we offer a major, a minor, and an honours program in psychology (either B.A. or B.Sc.), a major and an honours program in behavioural neuroscience (B.Sc.), and several joint honours programs with biology (B.Sc. Hons.) and biochemistry (B.Sc. Hons.).

At the graduate level, we offer a Masters in Applied Social Psychology, and a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in several different areas of experimental psychology, including behavioural neuroscience, clinical, cognition, developmental, social psychology, and the interdisciplinary cognitive and behavioural ecology (CABE) program.

Faculty have active research programs in many areas of psychology, many of which rely on volunteers from the community. We invite you to explore the options for participating in on-going research.

Please contact us directly for more information about our research, undergraduate and graduate programs, application procedures or any other concerns.