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Faculty of Science

About the Faculty of Science

Welcome to Memorial University’s Faculty of Science.

Here you’ll find a faculty that is committed to the delivery of excellent undergraduate and graduate programs of study, as well as the pursuit of first class research.

The Faculty of Science encompasses eight academic departments, each offering programs leading to a general B.Sc. or honours degree. Specialized and joint (double major) programs are also available. Backed by outstanding facilities and award-winning researchers, the faculty offers a remarkable diversity of opportunities.

Memorial students are 21st century explorers. They are intrepid and curious, ready to take the necessary risks to achieve their potential.

Are you ready?



May 7 - Biochem students take healthy eating practices to the classroom

April 24 - Saskatoon creating program based on Math Learning Centre

April 23 - Physics professor named Petro-Canada young innovator


May 9 - “Stimulating Complexity: Challenges and Progress in Atomistic Materials Science Simulations” presented by Michele Parinello, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zurich, May 9 at 3:30 p.m. in C-2045.

Researchers wishing to speak one-on-one with Prof. Parrinello may contact Ivan Saika-Voivod at to schedule a time.
