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Sexual Harrassment Information

Welcome to the Sexual Harassment Information Site

Woman reading Brought to you by the Sexual Harassment Office of Memorial University of Newfoundland, this site provides students, faculty, staff, as well as the general public, with the latest information on sexual harassment.

Like most progressive educational institutions, Memorial University has a Sexual Harassment Policy and is committed to the creation of a campus environment that is respectful and inclusive - and thus free of sexual harassment.

As students, faculty, and staff - and as Canadians - this is our right.

It is hoped that this site will address your questions and concerns about sexual harassment on campus and in the community. Since it will evolve according to the research activities of the Sexual Harassment Advisor, it is suggested that you bookmark the site & occasionally re-visit.

Recent News & Events

Sept 14, 2007 Recruitment of Investigators

The Sexual Harassment Office of Memorial University is looking to develop a pool of 12 members from the University community interested in conducting internal sexual harassment investigations. Interested persons would receive appropriate training. The Sexual Harassment Investigators will be called upon by the University President to conduct investigations into complaints of Sexual Harassment. Read more...