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School of Social Work

Welcome to the School of Social Work

Dr. Shelly Birnie-Lefcovitch, Director

A Message from the Director

As the only university in Newfoundland and Labrador, we have a special obligation to the people of this province.

Within the School we carry out that responsibility by providing degree (BSW, MSW, PhD) and continuing education programs, conducting and disseminating research, and applying our knowledge and skills to efforts which address local needs and problems.

As global citizens, we also have much to contribute to and gain from others, so we welcome students “from away”; we maintain strong connections to national and international organizations dealing with social work education and scholarship; and, our faculty are involved in research that combine relevance to Newfoundland and Labrador and other parts of the country and the world.


News and Events

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Karen Pollett successfully defends PhD
Congratulations to Karen Pollett who successfully defended her dissertation on April 25, 2008 titled, Social Work Knowledge, Values and Skills: Improving Services to Parental Caregivers of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Read More......

Marion Brown successfully defends PhD
Congratulations to Marion Brown who successfully defended her dissertation on February 20, 2008 titled, She Hits Like a Girl: Contexts and Constructs of Femininity, Use of Violence and Living in Group Homes Read More......

Four-Year Program Approved for Social Work Read More......

Coats for Kids Program Read More.....

5th Year Social Work Student, Charlotte Courage, nets major award for her community work Read More.......

Anna Scheyett successfully defends PhD
Congratulations to Anna Scheyett who successfully defended her dissertation on October 2, 2007 titled, Clinician Impact on Consumer Decisions Regarding Psychiatric Advance Directives. Read More.....

Director's List (2006-07) See who made it....

Building Community Capacity for the Health and Well-Being of Children

This engaging video documents a three-year Community Capacity Building project in Chalker Place. Read More...

Patricia Robinson successfully defends PhD
Congratulations to Patricia Robinson who successfully defended her dissertation on May 4, 2007 titled, Mental Health Research: A Path to Personal, Interpersonal & Political Change for Participant Researchers. Read More...

Dr. Ross Klein testifies at Congressional Hearings {March 27, 2007} Dr. Klein spent part of Tuesday morning testifying before the U.S. Congress. Read More...

NLASW Student Newsletter Electronic Bulletin #3 (March/April 2007)

Child Protection presentation
This presentation took place on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @ 7 pm - HSC Auditorium.
View the Webcast

President's Interprofessional Committee releases report
October 13, 2006 - Interprofessional Education and Research Among the Health Professions in Memorial University releases report

Mike Devine Successfully Defends PhD
October 5, 2006 - Congratulations to Mike Devine who successfully defended his dissertation on October 5, 2006 titled, Social Workers' Participation in Organizational Change: Inputs, Impacts, and Commitment.