{Image of Flower} {Women's Association of MUN}
Home | Executive | Programme | Groups/Clubs| Scholarships| Newsletter
{Purpose of Association}

The Women's Association of Memorial University welcomes all women associated with the university family and helps them to participate in university and community life. The group provides social and cultural activities for the members of the association and raises funds for scholarships for students at Memorial.


Regular membership is open to female faculty and staff members of the University and female partners of faculty and staff members of the University. Any female who supports the aims of the Association is also eligible to join.

Life membership is open to retired female faculty or staff members of the University and female partners of retired or deceased faculty or staff members of the University. Honorary members include the Chancellor of the University, if a woman, or the female partner of the Chancellor; the President of the University, if a woman, or the female partner of the President; and female members of the Board of Regents.

To join WAMUN, print out and fill in the membership form (Adobe Acrobat format) and send it to:

Arts & Administration Building, Mail Room Box 130
Memorial University
P.O. Box 4200
St. John's, NL
A1C 5S7

The Membership Form is a PDF document and is meant to be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. To install the free Acrobat Reader, or to upgrade your existing version, click here to link to the Adobe Acrobat web site.

If this does not work, pick up a form at the fall reception.

If you have difficulty installing Acrobate Reader, please contact Deborah Rehner at 739-5046.


There are usually at least two general meetings during the year. The quorum for general meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, and for any decisions requiring a vote by the membership must be at least 18 members. The election of officers takes place at the Annual General Meeting, which is held by the end of each academic year. Other general meetings are arranged by the executive.

{Activities/Special Interest Groups}

Our year usually starts with a wine and cheese party in September, includes a Christmas morning coffee, and ends with our Annual General Meeting. We also plan a few functions during the year. In the past we have enjoyed morning coffees and afternoon teas, and we invited special speakers on topics such as historic buildings in Newfoundland and Labrador, the mineral find at Voisey's Bay, DNA, menopause and the MUN Pension Plan. We have also purchased block seating for special events such as plays and musicals. Members are encouraged to join special interest groups of their choosing, such as our book discussion, international food, hiking, or investment groups.


Membership fees this year are $15 for regular and life members.

{Memorial University of Newfoundland}

Designed by David Cantwell (cantwell@mun.ca)
Maintained by Margaret Michalak, michalak@mun.ca
Last updated on Tuesday, October 17, 2006