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Writing A Research Paper


Four Basic Comma Rules


Basic Colon and Semicolon Rules


Comma Splices


Transitional Words and Phrases


Critical Analysis of a Short Story

Analysing a Poem

A Process for Reviewing and Analyzing Literature

Sentence Fragments

Writing a Scientific Research Paper

MLA Internet Citation Methods

Making Pronoun References Clear
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Word Origins (Etymology)

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Writing Centre

Welcome to the Writing Centre 
Science Building, Room 2053
(709) 737-3168

Writing Centre. Photo by Edith Cuerrier

Photo by Edith Cuerrier

The Writing Centre is a free, drop-in facility for all Memorial University students, undergraduate or graduate, who want help with their writing. It also offers distance students an online tutorial option; to access this service, please click the "online tutoring" link on our sidebar.

The Writing Centre is staffed by a director and by university students trained as writing tutors.  Its mandate is to help university students become better writers and critical thinkers. 

We help writers who are having trouble getting started by asking them questions that assist them in formulating and organizing their ideas. We help writers in the midst of their writing by being attentive listeners and readers, encouraging them where necessary to sharpen their focus and to more fully explore and develop their ideas. And we help writers of completed drafts to develop their self-evaluation and proofreading skills. 

The Centre provides individualized tutorials to students from all schools and faculties. Typically, these tutorials do not exceed one hour's duration. It can also organize small group workshops on request. 

It is helpful to remember that the Writing Centre is not, in its essence, a remedial facility—a place for "bad" writers. While it does help students in need of remediation, it also helps students who write quite well but who recognize that improvement is both possible and desirable. All writers can benefit from a trained, objective second reader, and the Writing Centre offers Memorial University students just that!

We also offer: 

  • In-class introductions to the Writing Centre 
  • In-class workshops on writing topics identified by instructors 
  • Reference materials and resources on writing 
  • Grammar workshops (We welcome suggestions for workshop topics!)