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Bachelor of Nursing: A healthy career for the future 
Bachelor of Nursing 
Nurses comprise the largest group of health care professionals in Canada. They are employed everywhere – from hospitals, community agencies and Universities to cruise ships and industrial workplaces. Nurses are in demand world wide and the projected nursing shortage creates endless possibilities for employment.
Stephanie Walbourne - Nursing Testimonial 

“When I started first-year nursing, I realized that this is exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life.” The third-year student began the nursing program because she thought she might have what it takes to be a nurse. She’s finding out that she was right. Her clinical rotations give her first-hand experience in caring for patients. “Nursing is not simply a job where you receive a paycheck; it is so much more. It’s a lot of hard work, but I think I’m cut out for it – it’s about empathy, caring and compassion.”

Stephanie Walbourne, Class of 2008

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