Memorial University Aikido Club



"The Secrets of Aikido are found in the Basics"

-"It is not for correcting others; it is for correcting your own mind."



Memorial University Aikido Club is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year.

We are hosting a Seminar on the 27-28th of September 2008 with

 Y. Kawahara Sensei

(Technical Director of the Canadian Aikido Federation)



 Memorial University Aikido Club (MUN Aikikai) has existed since 1978. It is sponsored by Memorial University Department of Physical Education and Athletics. We are a non-profit, students union ratified club and we are affiliated to the Canadian Aikido Federation.


'In Aikido, the emphasis is on the study of fundamental movements and solid basic techniques;

 as well as gaining philosophical insight into the conduct of one's life and of human relationships.

 To commit oneself to the study of martial arts is to study one's true self.

 It has nothing to do with rank'. G. Shioda Sensei


Instructors               S.N.Chin  & Ivan Booth

Emeritus Instructor   Professor Michael Langford


Campus Contact      Secretary & Treasurer

Ivan Booth



 Training Schedule

Tuesdays     7.00 pm -9.15 pm

Fridays        7.00 pm - 9.15 pm 

Sundays      10.00 am - 12.00 mid-day



Physical Education Building (Map of MUN Campus)

Combat Room G2001

Memorial University Campus

St John's, NL. Canada.


Open to faculty, students and members of the St. John's and neighbouring communities.

Visitors and beginners are welcome at any time.


For further information call (I. Booth 737-4401 or S. Chin 772-6051) and for further details see MUN Aikido Club Brochure & Poster


For details on membership, fees and registration please see I. Booth or one of the senior students


On MUN Aikikai

Members Notices



 Affiliations & links

·         Canadian Aikido Federation

·         B.C. Aikido Federation

·         United States Aikido Federation

·         Aikikai World Headquarters