Culture & Tradition is Canada's longest running, bilingual folklore journal.

Publishing for nearly twenty years in both French and English, Culture & Tradition is currently run by graduate students in Folklore at Memorial University of Newfoundland.  Topics generally covered by the Journal include the traditional arts, music, cuisine, architecture, beliefs, cultural psychology, and sociological structure of regional ethnic, religious and industrial groups in Canada.

The Culture & Tradition Home Page has several functions:

  • to serve as an immediate method of distributing information about Culture & Tradition, i.e.call for papers, publication announcements, etc;
  • as a site for access to the most recent Culture & Tradition Newsletter, TR@NSMISSION, and an archive for past newsletters;
  • as a forum for sharing information about graduate studies in folklore in Canada; and
  • as a connection to other WWW sites which may be of interest to graduate students in folklore and ethnology.

Send comments or queries to culture@mun.ca.  
Version 2006