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Parks & Natural Areas Division

About Us

A Division of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Parks and Natural Areas is responsible for planning, establishing, and managing Newfoundland and Labrador's Provincial Parks, Wilderness and Ecological Reserves, and Canadian Heritage Rivers.

The Division is a member of the Canadian Parks Council and the Canadian Heritage Rivers Board, and works with Parks Canada in planning new National Parks and National Marine Conservation Areas in the province.

Newfoundland and Labrador's parks and reserves are created and maintained for five key reasons:

  • biodiversity conservation
  • scientific research
  • recreation
  • education
  • ecotourism
black-capped chikadee

Three pieces of legislation guide the Division's activities:

The Division has three main program areas: Park Operations and Administration, Natural Areas, and Environmental Education and Promotion. Our headquarters are located on the west coast of the Island portion of the province in Deer Lake.