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Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve Order
under the
Wilderness and Ecological Reserves Act
(O.C. 96-199)

Under the authority of section 21 of the Wilderness and Ecological Reserves Act and the Subordinate Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act , the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Order.



Short title

        1. This Order may be cited as the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve Order .

139/94 s1

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Area included

        2. The area included in the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve is as set out in Schedule A.

139/94 s2

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        3. An outline of the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve Management Plan is as set out in Schedule B.

139/94 s3

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        4. The Cape St. Mary's Seabird Ecological Reserve Order, 1994, Newfoundland Regulation 139/94, is repealed.

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Schedule A

All that piece or parcel of land and territorial waters known as the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve situated in the province, bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point of land known as Redland Point at the eastern extremity of Golden Bay, having map scaled co-ordinates 718,910 metres east and 5,187,910 metres north;

Then running due north a distance of 2,000 metres to a point having co-ordinates 718,910 metres east and 5,189,910 metres north;

Then running north 44° 35' west a distance of 3,950 metres, more or less, to its intersection with the southern limit of the Cape St. Mary's access road;

Then following that road limit in a general southwesterly direction, offset 15.24 metres from the centre line, to its intersection with the projection of the St. Brides Community Pasture southwestern boundary line across the highway;

Then running across the highway and along the St. Brides Community Pasture lands north 67° west a distance of 280 metres, more or less, to a point on the eastern shoreline of Brierly Cove, having map scaled co-ordinates 714,350 metres east and 5,190,930 metres north;

Then running due west a distance of 5,850 metres to a point having co-ordinates 708,500 metres east and 5,190,930 metres north;

Then following a left circular arc of a circle, having a radius of 7,000 metres and a centre of map scaled co-ordinates 715,500 metres east and 5,190,930 metres north, an arc length of 10,995.6 metres to a point having co-ordinates 715,500 metres east and 5,183,930 metres north;

Then running due east a distance of 3,410 metres to a point having co-ordinates 718,910 metres east and 5,183,930 metres north;

Then running due north a distance of 3,980 metres to the point of beginning;

All co-ordinates, bearings and distances being referenced to the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection (Zone 21) and the North American Datum of 1983;

Reserving out of the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve, the Cape St. Mary's access road right-of-way leading from the St. Brides Community Pasture southern boundary to the Cape St. Mary's lighthouse and having a width of 30.48 metres;

Also reserving, out of the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve, all that piece or parcel of land described by Allan Carew in a survey dated November 30, 1993 , bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point in the southeasterly limit of a road leading to the lighthouse from Route #100, 30.48 metres wide, that point being a distance 1,317.655 metres on a bearing of south 28° 23' 16” west from Control Monument No. 4209002 (Gold);

Then running by Crown land south 32° 14' east 173.28 metres;

Then running by Crown land south 67° 19' west 152.53 metres;

Then running by Crown land and partly by land of the Department of Transport north 32° 14' west 121.92 metres;

Then running by the southeastern limit of the road leading to the lighthouse from Route #100 north 59° 12' east 76.75 metres;

Then running by the same north 36° 59' east 78.82 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning and containing an area of 2.106 hectares;

All bearings being referred to the meridian of 53° west longitude of the 3° Transverse Mercator Projection and the North American Datum of 1983, all linear measurements are horizontal ground distances;

Also reserving out of the Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve all that piece of land owned by Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada for use by the Marine Services Branch, Department of Transport, situated at the southern extent of the Cape St. Mary's access road and bounded by a chain linked fence which surrounds the lighthouse and support buildings and equipment.

139/94 Sch A

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Schedule B

Outline of Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve Management Plan

The Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve is established for the purpose of protecting a spectacular seabird breeding site. The reserve provides habitat for a diversity of breeding seabirds which includes the fourth largest concentration of Northern Gannets in North America . It is an internationally significant seabird colony.

Management policies have been devised for the reserve to protect its significant ecological features. These include no new development such as roads, cottages and wharves. Resource development will not be permitted. Natural succession will be allowed to continue with no habitat modifications to occur. Scientific research and educational use in the reserve will be encouraged.

The administration of the management plan is the responsibility of Parks and Natural Areas Division, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation.

139/94 Sch B