Mercredi 10 septembre 2008
Bloc Québécois


Please note that this section is not a full translation of the Bloc Québécois Web site.

In the weeks and months ahead, we will add the most important and most frequently consulted Bloc Québécois documents.

Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the site.

General Documentation

  2007-02-22 Québec: Francophone Nation of The Americas (1.4 MB)
  2006-06-05 Brochure Save Kyoto!


  2008-05-14 Petition for the repatriation of Omar Khadr


  2006-05-10 Pamphlet regarding Ethnocultural Groups
  2006-05-10 Summary of the electoral platform

Press Releases

  2008-05-09 Bloc Québécois launches petition urging the federal government to repatriate Omar Khadr
  2008-05-01 Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: the government’s refusal to ratify the Declaration puts Canada to shame
  2007-09-27 Canada must harden its tone to convince the Burmese military junta to end its repression
  2007-09-13 The United Nations adopt the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples without Canada’s support
  2007-09-06 Stephen Harper must endorse the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  2007-08-09 One month before the final vote at the UN: The Bloc Québécois calls on Harper to finally support Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  2007-06-27 Annual Agriculture Ministers Conference: The federal government has a duty to guarantee the flexibility of programs
  2007-06-27 Head tax on Chinese immigrants: The Bloc Québécois says there’s still work to be done to redress the discrimination against Chinese-Canadians
  2007-05-23 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Bloc Québécois urges Stephen Harper to correct his mistakes by extending a hand to the Aboriginal communities
  2007-05-10 Cheese composition standards: Conservatives about to create new tool to sidestep supply management system that they should be defending
  2007-05-04 Agricultural producers have been worried since the publication of the document on the industry's challenges: Producers want the supply management system to remain intact, nothing less
  2007-04-27 Consultations of the Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food: The ball is in the Conservatives' court; they have to do something
  2007-04-26 Tory green plan: Gilles Duceppe slams the Tory green plan, which will cause Canada to fall significantly short of its Kyoto commitments
  2007-04-16 French continues to lose ground in the Armed Forces: Bloc Québécois fears cuts to funding for the Saint-Jean language school
  2007-02-27 Crisis in Quebec's manufacturing sector: The Conservative government must wake up, and wake up now
  2007-02-19 Bill C-257, prohibiting the use of replacement workers: The Bloc Québécois wins another victory despite Conservative obstruction
  2007-02-08 The Bloc Québécois is successful in its bid to better protect producers against milk protein imports
  2007-02-02 Milk protein imports: The time for consultation is over: the government must assume its responsibilities
  2006-12-13 Overview of the fall sitting: Stephen Harper is pushing a conservative ideology that runs counter to Quebec values
  2006-12-11 One year after Stephen Harper's Quebec City promises, Gilles Duceppe looks at the record: “The Conservative government has not fulfilled its promises, and it is undoing any progress Quebec has made
  2006-12-07 Bloc Québécois calls for moratorium on dismantling the Firearms Registry
  2006-12-05 $9.7 million cut from volunteer assistance: The Réseau de l'action bénévole du Québec, the Bloc Québécois and the Liberal Party condemn the Harper government
  2006-12-04 Income trusts: Pierre Paquette asks Minister Flaherty to extend the transition period to 10 years
  2006-12-04 Slaughter of Inuit sled dogs in the Far North from the 1950s to the 1970s: Yvon Lévesque criticizes the Conservatives on their 180° turn and demands that a real inquiry be held
  2006-11-28 Firearms Registry : The Bloc Québécois is determined to maintain the firearms registry in its current form
  2006-11-21 10th Anniversary of Erasmus-Dussault Report: When will the government treat the Aboriginal nations as equals?
  2006-10-18 The Bloc Québécois supports the Coffin Family in seeking the truth about Wilbert Coffin''s conviction
  2006-10-17 Future of the Canadian Wheat Board : the Harper government''t inflexibility makes us fear the worst for supply management
  2006-10-04 Reaching the Kyoto objectives will require a territorial approach, clear reduction targets and tradable permits
  2006-10-04 Violence against women : Bloc Québécois fully supportS the cause of the Sisters in Spirit
  2006-09-26 Regional Assistance : minister Blackburn is taking with one hand and giving with the other
  2006-09-19 Maka Kotto''s letter on Jan Wongs comments
  2006-09-14 Blackburn Plan for regional development : Plan does not meet regions?needs
  2006-09-12 Aboriginal health problems : The Federal government must assume its responsibilities and improve the social and economic conditions of Quebec First Nation
  2006-09-11 Opposition asks Canada to stop arguing against the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  2006-09-07 Bloc Québécois action plan on softwood lumber: the Bloc Québécois puts workers and the industry first!
  2006-08-01 Meeting of the Standing Foreign Affairs Committee on the crisis in the Middle East “a disappointment” – MPs Francine Lalonde and Maria Mourani
  2006-06-29 Draft UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples : Harper government discredits Canada and Quebec by voting against the draft declaration
  2006-06-23 No federal funding for First Nations Pavilion in Val-d’Or : Harper government shows its indifference to issues affecting aboriginals yet again
  2006-06-21 Stephen Harper must produce results and deliver the goods
  2006-06-19 Meeting of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva : the Bloc Québécois approves the draft declaration on the rights of indegenous peoples
  2006-06-08 Committee adopts Bloc Québécois motion on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples : It is now up to the Conservative government to respect the wishes of Parliamentarians
  2006-06-07 Bloc Québécois anti-strikebreaker bill : CAROLE LAVALLÉE CALLS UPON THE MINISTER TO FACE REALITY
  2006-06-05 Save Kyoto
  2006-05-19 Canadian Mission in Afghanistan : the Bloc Québécois will vote against extendinf the mission because it refuse to give the Conservatives a blank check
  2006-05-19 Vote on the Bloc Québécois motion : Parliament calls on the Harper government to respect Canada''s commitment to Kyoto
  2006-05-04 Strike-breaker bill : Unions support the Bloc Québécois
  2006-05-02 The Bloc Québécois renews its attempt to get an anti-strikebreaker bill adopted
  2006-04-29 Head tax on Chinese immigrants : The Bloc Québécois will keep watch to ensure that the Community receives fair reparation for the wrong done to it
  2006-04-21 Gasoline prices go through the roof : Stephen Harper must show some political will and implement the Bloc Québécois''s action plan
  2006-04-21 Technical information about the Bloc Québécois''s proposals for dealing with soaring oil prices
  2006-04-19 Daycare : Bloc Québécois proposes refundable tax credit instead of taxable allowance
  2006-04-19 Quebec’s International Role
  2006-04-04 Throne Speech 2006


  2008-06-11 Bloc Québécois leader Gilles Duceppe's address related to the Canadian federal government apology for the legacy of Indian Residential Schools

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