September 10, 2008
Economic certainty vs. economic risk: A choice for Canadians
Although, as Prime Minister, I speak to a lot of audiences of successful business people, I am always especially inspired by the ambition and optimism of new Canadian entrepreneurs. Starting a business is a big challenge in its own right. When it is part of starting a new life in a new land, it is an even bigger challenge. But many Indo-Canadians here in Toronto and across Canada have met that challenge and succeeded, and are increasingly taking their place in the top echelons of Canadian business.
September 09, 2008
Conservatives offer new choice, true voice for new Canadians
It was in this very Hall not long ago that Diane Finley, Jason Kenney, and Peter Van Loan announced that, for people from the new states of the European Union, including Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, and Poland, we were ending the requirement of a visa to visit Canada.
September 09, 2008
Diesel Tax Reduction Underscores Choice in this Election
Keeping goods moving is critical. It’s the lifeblood of our economy. For well over a century Winnipeg has been one of Canada’s most important transportation hubs. That’s why it is appropriate that I chose Winnipeg to make the first new policy announcement of our campaign. If you want to ship something across Canada, it pretty well has to pass through “the Peg.” This is an announcement that highlights the choice Canadians face in this election.
September 07, 2008
Oct. 14th election a choice between certainty and risk
A few minutes ago, I met with Her Excellency, the Governor-General. Acting on my request, Her Excellency has seen fit to dissolve Parliament. Between now and October 14th, Canadians will choose a government to look out for their interests at a time of global economic trouble.
September 04, 2008
PM announces first investment under Automotive Innovation Fund
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you, Jeff, for your kind introduction. As many of you know, Jeff is of course the Member of Parliament for Essex. He is a member of the House of Commons standing committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development, and he's Vice Chair of the Conservative Party's auto caucus.
August 28, 2008
PM announces the John G. Diefenbaker icebreaker project
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Masi cho. Thank you, Peter MacKay, for that generous introduction, and for all the hard work and travelling you've been doing as our Minister of National Defence. Greetings also to all the dignitaries who are here today, Aboriginal elders, Mayor Lindsay, and of course Premier Roland. Thank all of you for your Northern hospitality. Premier, this is your hometown. I'm delighted to be here in, as I mentioned earlier, the first, I believe the first ever, cabinet gathering in one of Canada's territories.
August 27, 2008
PM announces measures to strengthen Canada’s Arctic sovereignty and protection of the northern environment
Thank you very much, Minister Baird. Greetings ladies and gentlemen. Greetings also to Mayor Gruben, to our Aboriginal elders and of course to all residents of Tuktoyaktuk who are hosting us here today. Special greetings, of course, to members of the Canadian Coast Guard who play a vital role in keeping the True North strong and free by patrolling and protecting Canada's Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic coasts, which are in total the longest shoreline in the world.
August 26, 2008
PM announces the Geo-mapping for Northern Energy and Minerals Program
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, thank you Gary Lunn for your introduction, and thank you for all the work you've done as our Minister of Natural Resources to make today's important announcement possible. Greetings to Daniel Caron, Jeffrey Murray and to everyone here who has joined us at the Library and Archives Canada, which is acting as our gracious host this morning.
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