News Releases

September 10, 2008
Economic certainty vs. economic risk: A choice for Canadians
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today said that the choice between economic certainty and economic risk is the key decision facing Canadians in this election. The Prime Minister used an economic keynote speech to the Indo-Canadian Chamber of Commerce to highlight the stark contrast between his government’s disciplined, long-term economic plan and an entirely different course of action taken by the Liberal Party.
September 09, 2008
Conservatives offer new choice, true voice for new Canadians
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today appealed to new Canadians to join him and the Conservative Party to break with tradition and support the new Conservative Party, a party that shares the same commitment to hard work, strong, healthy families, safe communities, and getting ahead based on merit.
September 09, 2008
Diesel Tax Reduction Underscores Choice in this Election
Modest, affordable, practical plan for lower taxes vs. grandiose, costly, risky plan for higher tax on everything
September 09, 2008
Dion will cancel $1200 universal child care benefit
Liberals’ not-so-hidden agenda will be exposed
September 08, 2008
Leadership certainty for Saskatchewan
Liberal carbon tax scheme threatens province’s success story
September 08, 2008
Canadian families better off with Harper
Risky Policies Would Take Gains Away
September 08, 2008
Stéphane Dion's "triple threat" to Canadian families: An unprecedented risk to our pocketbooks
Stéphane Dion's "triple threat" to Canadian families: An unprecedented risk to our pocketbooks
September 07, 2008
Québec must choose between Harper and Dion
The Bloc is powerless and will always be in opposition
September 07, 2008
Oct. 14th election a choice between certainty and risk
Following his meeting with Her Excellency, the Governor-General, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the next election will be a choice between certainty and risk at a time when the world’s economy has entered a period of instability.
September 02, 2008
Stéphane Dion Must Stop Evading Tough Questions On His Risky Carbon Tax
As the Liberal Caucus gathers for secret strategy meetings in Winnipeg this week, it is up to Stéphane Dion to quell dissent from his MPs by finally providing them, and all Canadians, with some real answers about his real Carbon Tax plans.
August 29, 2008
Liberals Admit Flaws In Risky Carbon Tax
Today Conservative MP Jason Kenney made the following statement in response to media reports about Liberal MPs calling for changes in Stephane Dion's carbon tax:
August 28, 2008
PM Announces New Polar Class Icebreaker Project to be Named after Former PM John G. Diefenbaker
Speaking at the very location where John George Diefenbaker officially dedicated the town of Inuvik, NT, Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced that Canada’s new northern flagship Polar class icebreaker project will be named after the former Prime Minister.

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