Economic certainty vs. economic risk: A choice for Canadians
September 10, 2008


Prime Minister Stephen Harper today said that the choice between economic certainty and economic risk is the key decision facing Canadians in this election.  The Prime Minister used an economic keynote speech to the Indo-Canadian Chamber of Commerce to highlight the stark contrast between his government’s disciplined, long-term economic plan and an entirely different course of action taken by the Liberal Party.

“We said, from the beginning, we would make affordable tax reductions, reduce the public debt, and keep spending under control.  And that’s precisely what we’ve done,” said Prime Minister Harper.  “The only responsible way to address global uncertainty is to maintain a stable, certain, and careful plan here at home.

“We have a plan.  The choice in this election is whether Canadians return us to continue that plan,” added the Prime Minister.  “The Opposition has taken an entirely different course.  Over the past two years they have opposed every tax reduction we brought in, demanded tens of billions of dollars in new spending…and are now advocating a new, permanent carbon tax.”

Harper contrasted his plan of lower taxes, balanced budgets, debt repayment and prudent investments against the proposed, permanent, new carbon tax.  He explained that it is bad policy to impose a sweeping tax that will increase the cost of all forms of transportation, all methods of production, and all consumer goods.  In 2006 the current Liberal leader himself admitted that a carbon tax would be “simply bad policy.”

“And that is the choice in this election: a certain, stable economic plan that works, or a risky, sweeping, permanent new tax on everything,” said Prime Minister Harper.

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