Just The Facts
September 10, 2008
Unanswered questions about Stéphane Dion's leadership debts
Stéphane Dion must come clean on whether he has broken his commitment to Canadians to pay off 1/3 of his leadership debt plus interest after documents - released late last night by Elections Canada - showed no filings from Mr. Dion.
September 10, 2008
The Bloc’s Record: Over 1,000 Promises in 18 Years… Still NO Results!
The Honourable Michael Fortier, Conservative candidate for Vaudreuil-Soulanges, took aim at the Bloc Québécois today, saying that voting for the Bloc is voting for nothing.
September 09, 2008
Gilles Duceppe is completely out of touch with the regions of Québec
During a campaign stop in the Mauricie region yesterday, Gilles Duceppe stated that the way to resolve the crisis in the manufacturing and the forestry sectors is to “respect the Kyoto protocol.” (Journal de Montréal, September 9, 2008).
September 09, 2008
Can Dion reconcile his confusion and flip-flop on Universal Child Care Benefit?
Today, Liberals are desperately trying to spin that Stéphane Dion supports the Conservative government’s Universal Child Care Benefit. Yet Dion was quite clear in his position:
September 09, 2008
Stéphane Dion fails to understand the realities of diesel fuel
Today, Stéphane Dion referred to the Conservative plan to halve the excise tax on diesel fuel as a “gimmick” and said that diesel fuel – the fuel used by truckers, farmers, and people in the fishing industry – was a relic from the 19th century.
September 09, 2008
Why does the NDP support higher prices for consumer goods?
Today the NDP attacked the Conservative plan to cut the federal excise tax on diesel and aviation fuel in half to two cents per litre over the next four years, by suggesting that the tax reduction will not apply to aviation fuel. This is false.
September 09, 2008
Gilles Duceppe continues smear campaign
Gilles Duceppe has taken his US-style fear campaign yet another step further. This time, he is trying to create a fake gap between the Conservative Party and Quebecers, implying that Nicole Charbonneau Barron, the Conservative candidate in the riding of Saint-Bruno—Saint-Hubert, “advocates a ‘stubborn ideology’ that goes against the values Quebecers hold dear.”
September 09, 2008
Will the Dion Liberals respect the law and court their settlement with Green Shift Inc. as an election expense?
A Liberal Party claim that it has settled a $9 million lawsuit with Green Shift Inc. is raising questions. Why are Liberals insisting the cost of the settlement be kept secret? The Canada Elections Act requires all election spending to be reported and counted against spending limits.
September 09, 2008
Duceppe: All time champion of MP muzzling
Yesterday, Gilles Duceppe falsely criticized the Conservative Party, saying that the Conservatives’ modus operandi was to muzzle its candidates. When it comes to muzzling MPs, Gilles Duceppe is the all-time champion.
September 09, 2008
Why is Jack Layton threatening thousands of good union jobs right across Canada?
As NDP leader Jack Layton calls for a moratorium on further expansion of Alberta’s oil sands, Canadians are asking, “Why isn’t Jack Layton consulting with any of the unions before jeopardizing thousands of good union jobs across Canada?"
September 09, 2008
Will Dion boot Liberal candidate for making outrageous Nazi references?
Will Stéphane Dion condemn Brent Fullard’s out-of-line Nazi remarks? Stéphane Dion’s desperate attempt to find candidates took an ugly turn today, with the confirmation of Brent Fullard as the Liberal candidate in Whitby-Oshawa.
September 08, 2008
Liberal premier of Ontario backs away from Dion carbon tax
Today the Liberal Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, is backing away from Stéphane Dion’s carbon tax plan, becoming the latest premier to question the Dion Tax Trick.
September 08, 2008
Bloc hypocrisy on fixed-date elections act
Today, a Bloc ad was launched on the fixed-date elections act. However, the Bloc never intended to abide by this law. Why the hypocrisy?
September 08, 2008
Liberals' weak record on gun crime
Why did Dion Liberals Obstruct Laws to Crack Down on Gun Crime?
September 08, 2008
Liberal spinners contradict Dion
Today, a Liberal spokesperson claimed that the Liberals wouldn’t raise the GST and wouldn’t cancel the Universal Child Care Benefit. (CanWest News Service, September 8, 2008) Yet, Stéphane Dion has said repeatedly that the Liberals will do both.
September 08, 2008
Why is Duceppe no longer talking about the Bloc's raison d'être in Ottawa?
Gilles Duceppe launched his campaign with U.S.-style personal attack ads. Mr. Duceppe is using this approach to hide the Bloc’s difficulty in defending its track record.
September 08, 2008
Liberal carbon offset scheme raises more questions than it answers
Stephane Dion leases the most smog-belching, carbon-emitting, gas-guzzling plane possible and then panics by defaulting to the typical Liberal solution: cut a cheque to a Liberal-connected company and hope no one notices. Quelle surprise!
September 07, 2008
The Bloc is lagging behind Conservative Party action
Today, Gilles Duceppe maintained that Quebec needs the Bloc to defend Quebec values. Yet, in the last 32 months with the Conservative Government the Bloc has repeatedly supported the Government’s positions!
September 07, 2008
Dion in disarray
Why is Stéphane Dion so unprepared for the election campaign?
September 07, 2008
Dion's "not a jet" Boeing 737
A noisy, chemical-spewing reminder that Stéphane Dion is “Not a Leader”
September 06, 2008
Out-of-touch Dion doesn't know what a "car pool" is
Professor Dion proves the only environmental action he understands is higher taxes
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