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The myCampaign action centre helps you spread the Conservative message, raise money, and recruit volunteers. To get started, simply select one of the action items below.

Write Letter To The Editor
Writing a letter to the editor is a quick and easy way to make your voice heard.
Successful campaigns require strong financial support. Send a fundraising letter to friends or colleagues who may consider making a donation to the Conservative Party of Canada.
Become an e-Volunteer / Edit Your Profile
Join the Conservative team and help re-elect Prime Minister Stephen Harper by becoming an eVolunteer.
Recruit A Friend
Do you know someone who shares similar views on the things that matter to you? Ask them to join our team.
Call Talk Radio
Tired of hearing the vested interests of the Liberals and the special interests of the NDP get their messages out via the media? Call in to a show yourself and fight back with the facts!
Sign Support Letter
Support Conservative policies and initiatives by signing a support letter.
Contact Us
Questions? Write us an eMail.
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