
Current Office

Member of Parliament
Liberal Party

Harper and the war on Iraq

Do you really want more of this?

The Real Agenda

What's Harper really planning?

Former NDP Member of Parliament Reid Scott

Former NDP Member of Parliament Reid Scott on why he is renouncing 60 years of NDP membership to join the Liberal Party ...

The Liberal Plan

Canada's Liberals - Always there for you

Stephen Harper copies Australian Prime Minister John Howard

In 2003, Stephen Harper and Australian Prime Minister John Howard deliver largely identical speeches urging their nation...

The Liberal Plan - One

Canada's Liberals - always there for you.

Journal de campagne - Jour 35

Stéphane Dion visite le sud-ouest de lOntario et continue à presser les Canadiens de joindre la vague libérale pour remp...

Campaign Diary - Day 35

Stéphane tours southwestern Ontario and continues to urge progessive Canadians to join the Liberal surge to replace Step...
Flickr pictures by liberalparty2008 | Showing 25 photos


Detailed Info

Relationship Status:
Married to
Janine Krieber
September 28, 1955
Political Views:
Ski de fond, pêche, lecture / Cross-country skiing, fishing, reading
Favorite Music:
Jacques Brel, Oscar Peterson, Arcade Fire
Favorite Movies:
Lawrence of Arabia
Favorite TV Shows:
Hockey Night in Canada

Work Info

Parliament of Canada
Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada / Chef du Parti libéral du Canada
Time Period:
December 2006 - Present

Education Info

Grad Schools:

Contact Info



Displaying 5 stories
October 3

Stéphane Dion updated his profile. He changed Website.

Oct 3rd at 10:45am

Stéphane Dion added the YouTube Video Box application.

Oct 3rd at 10:36am
September 26

Stéphane Dion updated his profile. He changed the following: Favorite Music and Favorite TV Shows.

Sep 26th at 9:46am
September 17

Campaign 2008 - 12 new photos

Sep 17th at 10:12am
September 15

Campaign 2008 - 4 new photos

Sep 15th at 9:18am
Displaying 5 of 4,506 wall posts.
Linda wrote at 9:55am
You tried to lead the party based on what you though was best by being honest and sharing your values with Canadians. You where not about the popular vote, but what you believe in. You have to respect that. I do.
Thanks for your efforts.
Hilary wrote at 9:36am
I keep hearing in the news, as I have for many months, that senior Liberals want a different leader because they want a change. But in fact, what they want is no change at all. They want to return to a Liberal party with a vague agenda, a somewhere in the centre vision, an extraordinarily flexible ideology. What you gave to the Liberal party was meaning, an ideology, and a concrete vision for Canada. You offered change. And i am sad for Canada that it voted in the only party that stands for no change and has no vision. And if the Liberal party chooses to replace one of the few leaders that it has had that has made it stand for something, then I dol not know how my country will ever change.

Thank you Stephane Dion for standing for something. Both your climate change plan and your poverty plan were impressive. I wish you all the best and hope that you remain as leader so that the Liberal party can continue to fight for a richer, greener, fairer Canada.
Kristin wrote at 9:20am
putting the party first would be for the party to unite behind it's leader and let him do his job as opposition leader, as opposed to throwiing the party back into chaos and a leadership battle that it cannot afford.
Veronica wrote at 9:17am
I am very proud to have voted for you Mr. Dion. People are afraid of change but I think the media had a very negative influence for your campaign in this election, and are still at it right now. I urge you to fight, we need someone like you on our side, I voted for you and your plan and not for a party. We need change, we need you!!! Your integrity and determination enlightens me and a lot of others, thank you.
Vlad wrote at 9:05am
Lets get real and put the party first, and we all know what this means.

Discussion at Jack Layton's facebook page worth checking out

1 post by 1 person. Updated 17 hours ago

A Strategic Voting Guide: How To Beat Harper in YOUR riding

3 posts by 2 people. Updated on October 14, 2008 at 4:56pm