Media Releases

September 8, 2008

Liberal leader Stéphane Dion, acclaimed in Saint-Laurent – Cartierville, presents his Québec candidates

MONTRÉAL – Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion presented the Liberal Party’s team of Québec candidates today before a full house in his riding of Saint-Laurent – Cartierville.

“This team represents everything that is noble about political involvement. Over the coming weeks, they are the ones who will show Quebecers the concrete plan we have to oppose the Conservatives’ laissez-faire agenda. They are the ones who will explain to our fellow citizens how we are going to reduce their taxes by making polluters pay, in order to build a richer, fairer, greener Canada,” said Mr. Dion.

Mr. Dion refused to be intimidated by the campaign of scare tactics and personal attacks being waged by Conservative strategists, and expressed pride in his ability to keep his word and promote the number of women on his team.

Mr. Dion praised the quality of his Quebec candidates, highlighting their audacity to step forward despite the vicious attacks the Conservatives have in store. He expressed his confidence in their tenacity to overcome in the next several weeks.

“Do you believe for a second that anyone can trust Stephen Harper to explain the Green Shift’s benefits to Quebecers better than the candidates gathered here tonight? The Conservatives don’t get climate change, they don’t get Québec’s economy, they don’t get Québec culture, and you’d want them to get something about a vision as generous and ambitious as the one that we, Liberals, are putting forward? Get real,” said Mr. Dion.