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FPNP guestbook

There are 20 entries in the guestbook.
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Anderson Besito
from Toronto, Ontario
Signed on: Mon 23 Jan 2006 12:48:16 EST
If you can't beat em, join em, I am hoping that when we do get elected officials in office to represent our issues, they have not forgotten why they are there and that they have not been corrupted. Wishing the party great success. I hope I am still around to see the day when Canada can have a First Nations PM. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!
Jennifer Burns
from Toronto, Ontario
Signed on: Wed 18 Jan 2006 13:53:03 EST
This is the most encouraging news politically I've heard in a very, very long time.  

Admin's Comment: Jennifer, 
FPNP is receiving a tremendous amount of correspondence from the Toronto area so we know we have a strong support base there. You are encouraged to become a member of FPNP. 
Chi Miigetch, 
Barbara Wardlaw 
Interim Leader
from Ajax Ont
Signed on: Wed 18 Jan 2006 11:35:56 EST
Great site Greate Idea. 
I have a question. I would like to help anyway i can. What can i do from my riding? I live in the ajax riding and there is no one running there. 
what can i do to help? 
I would like to offer my time anyway the party needs. 
Admin's Comment: Ahniin Mattew, 
Thank you for your support. 
We will run many candidates next election.I suggest that you download the registration form under documents to become an FPNP member. You will receive a membership card and an invitation to our first FPNP Convention. You may wish to speak to as many family & friends in the area as you can and encourage them to become members as well. 
Chi Miigwetch 
Barbara Wardlaw 
Interim Leader
Steve Todd
from Taber
Signed on: Mon 16 Jan 2006 16:37:00 EST
Congratulations. You are becoming more visible. As a non First Nations person I truly believe all people need a voice. I have voted conservative all my life but would entertain voting for a First Nations candidate really seeking a voice in government, and willing to make a stand on equlity issues. One more thing you really should make contact to your head office via e-mail a priority on your home page. Otherwise web site looks real good.
Admin's Comment: Hi Steve, 
Our webmaster is currently reviewing and attempting to update the site. 
Thanks for the comments. 
Barbara Wardlaw 
from S.S.marie
Signed on: Thu 12 Jan 2006 02:02:04 EST
thanks to barb for all her hard work and Guy and all the other canidates for the courage to stand up and speak from the heart . your efforts a like that of the salomon returning home from the ocean to river it left so long ago . 

Admin's Comment: Daniel, 
Thank you for the note. We are bringing the people home. Next election the FPNP will be very visible. 
Barbara Wardlaw
John Gagnon
from Sault Ste. Marie
Signed on: Wed 11 Jan 2006 17:35:06 EST
I was at the debate last night at Algoma University and was not only pleased, but inspired by the words articulated by Guy Dumas, it is refreshing and encouraging to know that the FPNP is up and running with the candidates set in place. I would also like to say hi to my cousin in Timmins, Danny Gillard.
Henry Lorteau
from Surrey
Signed on: Mon 09 Jan 2006 23:01:28 EST
I wish you guys were in the lower mainland, as i am an aboriginal person and also i always vote.  
and if i knew we had a party i would deffentialy vote for your party.
Admin's Comment: Henry, 
I hope you signed on as an FPNP members. Support from BC is becoming very strong. It will be apparent next election. 
Thank you for taking the time to write us. 
Barbara Wardlaw, 
Interim Leader
R. Shuttleworth
from Winnipeg
Signed on: Mon 09 Jan 2006 16:44:22 EST
Its about time, and long overdue. Great Start. I look forward to watching this party grow, and do amazing things for the people of Canada. Meegwetch!!
Admin's Comment: It was in Manitoba that the first seed was planted for the FPNP about ten years ago. Collectively we are very strong and the party will continue to grow - the people make it so. 
Barbara Wardlaw
Bright Meadow
from BC
Signed on: Sun 08 Jan 2006 04:39:53 EST
This is a great site! I am pleased to hear that the FPNP has candidates running for seats in this election. :) I see that there is a listing of the candidates names and their phone numbers but no information on the specific location of their riding. I would like to know where our BC candidate is based. I watched a BC candidates forum this evening on Global. The Libs, NDP, CONS, Green, and the Christian Parties were there but no one from FPNP, which was disappointing. Would it be possible for you to post the dates and times that the FPNP BC candidate will be presenting the platform? Merci
Admin's Comment: Bright Meadow, 
I apologize for the dates not making it to our events calendar. The webmaster had difficulties with our site and time just ran out. Everyone working with FPNP is a volunteer so there were some items that we just couldn't get to. 
We'll be better prepared next time. 
Barbara Wardlaw 
Rai and Fletchae
from yellowknife
Signed on: Sat 24 Dec 2005 19:52:29 EST
We strongly belive that once was ours should be returned to us and we should live as we are and not the white mans way, our house is nothing although we have a well paying jobs. Our medicare needs are not met and our children have aweful clothes and are poorly educated. Things must be changed so we wish you well in the up coming election, where ever you decide to run candidates. 
Rai & Fletchae.
Admin's Comment: Rai & Fletchae, 
We registered too late to run a candidate in the NWT and I worked on it up until our closing date of Jan 2. I have no doubt FPNP will take the seat there in the next election. Please sign up as members, we need you. 
Chi Miigwetch, 
Barbara Wardlaw
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