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Jack Layton: Leadership

Through three decades of public service, and as Leader of Canada's New Democrats since 2003, Jack Layton is delivering the kind of change that can make life better for you and your family.

Months after taking his place in Parliament, Jack Layton successfully rewrote the 2005 federal budget. In place of $4.6-billion in corporate tax giveaways, Layton secured investments in better priorities—affordable housing, training, public transit, energy efficiency, development assistance and wage protection.

At last: this was policy from the kitchen table, not the boardroom table, and ordinary Canadians responded.

Election 2006 returned Layton to Ottawa with an even stronger team that has been the real opposition to Stephen Harper. While the numerically stronger Liberals rubber-stamped the Conservative agenda by skipping votes, Layton’s New Democrats held Harper to account. On the jobs and affordability crisis. On health care wait times. On global warming. On the issues that really matter to you.

In June, over Harper’s objections, Jack Layton made history again. By passing Layton’s Climate Change Accountability Act, the House of Commons became the world's first legislature to adopt science-based targets to cut climate-changing emissions—by 80% before 2050.

For Jack Layton, leadership is all about teamwork. Systematically since 2003, he has been building the strongest possible team—diverse, committed, national—to represent ordinary Canadians. By 2007, pundits knew something special was happening: after a by-election landslide in Outremont, Layton welcomed Quebec’s first New Democrat MP in a generation.

This election, Jack Layton is ready to take the next step. Alongside an extraordinary team of New Democrat candidates, Jack Layton is applying for a new job: Prime Minister of Canada.

A Prime Minister who’ll put you and your family first.

Don’t let them tell you it can’t be done!

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