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Tackling global warming

When it comes to global warming, most people are far ahead of their politicians and business leaders. To ensure a healthy Canada for future generations, families like yours are ready to move from a polluting economy to a sustainable one now.

Science tells us that unchecked greenhouse gas emissions invite catastrophe—vanishing polar ice caps, rising sea levels, altered agriculture, massive deforestation, species extinctions, virulent diseases, extreme weather events, economic hardship. Faced with this conclusive evidence, successive Prime Ministers promised you and your family that they would act—but kept pandering to big polluters instead.

After years of Liberal failure, Stephen Harper abandoned Canada's obligations under the Kyoto climate change treaty. Then he worked with George Bush to block consensus on post-Kyoto commitments. And his own “clean air” legislation would have given his friends in big oil another unlimited license to pollute.

It’s time for a Prime Minister who will take on big polluters, meet real targets and invest in sustainable solutions. It’s time for a Prime Minister with a record of environmental achievement who will tackle climate change and seize the opportunities of the new energy economy.

Jack Layton will be that Prime Minister.

Don’t let them tell you it can’t be done.

Stephen Harper can’t be trusted.

  • He tabled three failed “clean air” plans—each one exposed for ensuring more climate-changing pollution for years to come, with more breaks for big polluters.
  • After abandoning Canada’s Kyoto emissions targets in his last Throne Speech, Harper worked with George Bush to block consensus on post-Kyoto targets at the 2007 UN Climate Change Conference in Bali.
  • He renewed $1.4-billion in annual subsidies for companies developing Alberta’s tar sands, until 2010. And his “intensity-based” targets would let tar sands emissions double by 2020 to 80 megatonnes—more than all passenger cars in Canada combined.
  • Instead of leading the way to a New Energy Economy, he squandered $50-billion on pointless corporate tax giveaways that disproportionately go to profitable oil and gas companies.

Stephane Dion is not the change we need.

  • By instructing his Liberal MPs to skip key votes, he rubber-stamped Harper's plan to abandon Canada’s Kyoto commitments and squander $50-billion on tax cuts for big banks and oil companies.
  • With Dion at the cabinet table, Liberal governments left Canada with one of the worst pollution records in the industrial world: emissions soared 25% over 1990 levels—33% above Canada's Kyoto target.
  • Even Dion admits there's no way of knowing if his “Green Shift” carbon tax plan will work at reducing greenhouse gases. That's not the change we need.

Jack Layton's New Democrats: Tackling global warming.

This election, Jack Layton and his team of New Democrats have a better plan to tackle global warming—lowering pollution by law, making big polluters pay, and investing in green solutions. Already, Layton's team has led the way in Parliament:

  • Passed Layton's Kyoto-Plus Bill (C-377), making Canada's House of Commons the world's first legislature to adopt science-based targets to cut  carbon emissions—committing to an 80% reduction from 1990 levels by 2050, with interim targets every five years.
  • Forced Harper to strike an all-party committee to re-write their weak “clean air” legislation—and the resulting Clean Air and Climate Change Act, based on the NDP's polluter-pay plan, was hailed by environmentalists as a breakthrough.
  • Promoted cap-and-trade as the carbon pricing system that targets big polluters best—in line with the European Union, all US presidential contenders, and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  • Promoted an innovative Green-Collar Jobs Plan to help spark Canada's much-needed transition to a low-emissions New Energy Economy.
  • In January 2005, Layton became the first and only national leader to table an achievable Kyoto Plan to meet Canada’s obligations under that climate change treaty
  • When Layton rewrote the 2005 Liberal budget, he cancelled $4.6-billion in pointless corporate tax cuts to invest in better priorities—including $900-million for green public transit and a home energy retrofit program.

Investing in our children’s early years Cleaner air, land and water Tackling global warming Education & training your family can afford Forestry: renewing a struggling sector Improving public health care Fair immigration for a stronger Canada Manufacturing: Confronting the crisis Confronting poverty in Canada Equality for Canadian women Protecting Canadian sovereignty Keeping commitments to the world’s poor Fighting for human rights and equality Making your vote count Protecting the average consumer Fairness and affordability for you and your family Justice for First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples
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