Erich Jacoby-Hawkins's blog

Conservatives fake Elizabeth (kinda funny)

I just learned that the Conservatives had a satirical Facebook site called Dionbook. It's down now, but you can see the cached version:


If you haven't heard the news, WE'RE IN!!! (The debates, that is).

Layton caved, then Harper. No word from the Consortium yet, but what else can they do?


Harper the hypocrite - again

Stephen Harper would like you to think that he & his party do care about the environment - despite putting it second behind the economy (as if that made any sense, as if you can have one without the o

Great time in Guelph

I went down to Guelph Monday with a couple other volunteers from Barrie. (I left one of them there - we'll send someone for you Friday, Larry!)

Four in Two - and the complaints begin

Turning their backs

For the fourth time in under two weeks, I received a new flier from my MP last Friday. This one once again featured the Green Party and Elizabeth May as one of the four ballot choices - yay for us!

Three in four days!

Safety Dance

Wow, another one.

Two Elizabeth ballots in two days

Elizabeth Crime Ballot

Two days, two Conservative fliers in my mailbox. Both with the soon-to-be-famous Elizabeth May ballot.

Big News: Conservatives acknowledge GPC leader has equal status!

CPC leader ballot

Today in my mail, yet another flier from my local Conservative MP attacking Dion's carbon tax - you know, the standard oil spot, shrug, "Tax on Everything - will you be tricked?" crap.

Suzuki goes Green!

David Suzuki has finally gone Green! No, not just small-g green, but big-G-as-in-Green-Party Green!

Canada's Response to Global Warming

Coasting to disaster

This is from a carboard beer coaster I picked up at a local pub.

It's meant to be funny.

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