Chris Alders's blog

Policies To Capture A Nation's Imagination

Canadians are more than ever ready to go Green and send Green Party MP's to Ottawa.

The Political Earthquake - From Within

The news came unexpectedly but was nonetheless very warmly received: in mid-morning at campaign headquarters in Guelph Blair Wilson's decision to join the Green Party of Canada was greeted with a dive

Appeal to Atlantic Canadians

Greetings all,

The Newest Of The Next Generation Green

The happy news from Halifax, Nova Scotia, is that Green Party of Nova Scotia leader Ryan Watson and his wife Shannon are celebrating the arrival of their daughter Katarina, who entered the world at 5:

Greening Your Own Piece of Electoral Heaven


Moving Proverbial Mountains


GreenLight, Official Newsletter of the Green Party of Nova Scotia, August 2008 Edition

The latest and greatest from the Green Party of Nova Scotia may be found on the link below!

Citizenship In A Democracy

Join us this Thursday, Friday & Saturday

In a stirring speech given at the height of the 2006 Nova Scotia general election then Green Party of Nova Scotia leader Nick Wright asked the poignant question “What does it mean to be a citizen in a democracy?” The quest to answer that enduring inquiry continues this week in the riding of Dartmouth North.

Seizing The Day

Seizing the Day - Fun, Food, and Citizen Engagement
This Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Thinking Green

Thinking Green
New leader Ryan Watson says his party is working through its problems and he takes the helm with ‘incredible hope’
By DAVID JACKSON Provincial Reporter
Tue. Jul 1 - 5:43 AM

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