Philip Stone's blog

Counterpoints: Greens are a One Issue party

We've heard it and read it a hundred times, the naysayers claim the Greens are a one issue party. All we care about is the environment.

Is that true?

The Future of Democracy in Canada

As committed and confident as Greens are to our positive message of sustainability and equity for all, we are faced day to day with growing disenchantment of the electorate and increasingly prevalent negativity from the old parties. This disaffection and the apathy it cultivates is as much of a threat to the democratic process as media monopolies and the erosion of our civil liberties.

Old parties' messages wear thin, while Greens grow

Here we are almost a week into the campaign and the gaffs, mudslinging, hollow promises and question dodging of the old parties are thick on the ground.

Vancouver Island North ready for campaign

At an energetic meeting in Courtenay on Thursday Sept. 11 the Vancouver Island North Greens selected your's truly as candidate for the October 14 election.

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