We have an MP!

Greens land first MP
Mike De Souza , Canwest News Service
Published: Saturday, August 30, 2008
OTTAWA -- The federal Green party has landed its first member of Parliament.

Blair Wilson, an embattled former Liberal MP who was expelled from his party's caucus last year over allegations of improper spending, announced on Saturday that he was joining the team of Green Party Leader Elizabeth May.

"Not only do I embrace the policies of my new party, I will feel that all my past difficulties are justified if, by my actions, I can make a real difference by ensuring Elizabeth May is included in the leaders' debates," said Wilson. "There is a democracy deficit in Canadian politics and this is one step in restoring effective democracy in Canada."

Wilson, who has sat as an independent MP for the past year, has said that a recent Elections Canada investigation cleared him of any serious wrongdoing.

May called it a historic day for her party and said it would ensure that she could participate in the leaders' debates in the next election campaign.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is expected over the next few days to ask the governor general to dissolve Parliament and start a general election campaign that would see Canadians heading to the polls in mid-October.

Harper has argued that Parliament is deadlocked and cannot function properly unless the opposition parties make compromises and agree to work with the government.

He is scheduled to meet with NDP Leader Jack Layton to discuss the situation later on Saturday. But on Friday, following a meeting with Harper, Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe said he was convinced that the prime minister was intent on calling an election.


© Canwest News Service 2008

Darcy Higgins

Where were you when Canada had its first Green MP?

Welcome Blair and congratulations to you and Elizabeth!

I was in Montreal at a friends place (for the weekend to help Claude Genest win his seat) when we heard the news. We turned the telivision to CBC Newsworld and there we saw Elizabeth and Blair live!
Julien Lamarche, Ottawa-Vanier Greens
E-mail and Google Talk: Julien Lamarche
Y! chat: drjlamarche
Also on Skype

Where was I?

I have the great good fortune to be in Victoria, BC, where Ms. May will be speaking tonight at a fundraiser for us. What good timing!

Brian Gordon
Nominated Candidate, Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca
Green Party of Canada

Trained Presenter
An Inconvenient Truth

People - Planet - Prosperity
The New Green Economy

Where was I when the GPC got it's 1st MP?

I was camping on Hornby Island in BC. I had no idea this happened until about 20 minutes ago!

While he is not the first elected Green MP, he is now the first Green MP in Canada! Last time I checked, the Green Party was inclusive - not exclusive - welcoming new members and supporters all the time. Mr Wilson obviously finds the Green Party attractive. Maybe it's the list of seven green values, or policies on other areas. After all, the Greens are about more than just the environment.

Wilson resigned from the Liberal caucus last fall after allegations of spending irregularities in his 2006 campaign. He was cleared by Elections Canada this summer of any improprieties following an eight-month investigation, and May said he shared "deep and detailed" financial information with the Green party over the past week that proves his innocence.

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The blog section of the GPC website is a place for GPC members to share their personal opinions and views. The views I express here are my own and are not the official position of the Green Party of Canada.

French press release?

Get whoever reviews the French press releases to see this:

Julien Lamarche, Ottawa-Vanier Greens
E-mail and Google Talk: Julien Lamarche
Y! chat: drjlamarche

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