Photos of 1st Green MP's 1st event: Rally in Guelph to support Campaign to Elect Mike Nagy!!!

What a perfect day! It was the first official event of the first Green MP -- a rally in Guelph to support Mike Nagy's campaign. Hundreds came out on this beautiful day of celebration. If you have fantastic pictures email them to me at and I'll add them!

It was a rally of laughter and celebration. Not only is Guelph Going Green, the TV leaders debates will be going Green -- and all of Canada is going Green!

Mike presents Blair with a Guelph's Going Green T-shirt

Towards the end of the rally Mike called his Sharon his wife and Frazer his son up on stage along with Campaign Manger Stan Kozak, Ben Polley who won 9,635 votes in the provincial election just 10 months ago, Blair Wilson, Elizabeth and her daughter Victoria Cate it was a great moment

Hundreds of supporters came out on this perfect day!

Singer/song writer David Cox played his original tune that's the soundtrack of the amazing YouTube video Why Vote Green? See the video at -- thanks to Aelwynn Swanson who shot the vid. When you see the video rate it, comment on it, favourite it to drive it higher in the rankings.

One of the rally speakers, 11-year old Ben Syms Wilson (who is stading on a cooler to reach the microphone) just recorded a radio ad this week that's playing on the Guelph airwaves, explaining why it's important to vote Green. He's campainging for the Green Party because he wants his children to have a future where they can breathe the air. His mother was surprised when he made the commitment to help the campaign -- because she learned when Ben spoke that she was going to have grandchildren.

Lots of children were out at the event -- and buttons were really big with this group.

You just gotta love the Ottawa Citizen headline

CTV in KW was all over this story

At least 15 candidates from Ontario came out to join the hundreds of supporters welcoming Blair to the Green Party -- and they were all delighted to welcome Blair into the party. Everyone is also totally pumped that Mike Nagy is tracking to win the Guelph by-election

Victoria Kate was one of four young Greens who addressed the crowd

Green Party by-election candidates Mike Nagy & Dr. Georgina Wilcock (Don Valley West) with Blair Wilson and me

Blair eats a burger while Mark Kersten ponders the moment

Welcoming Blair into the fold of the Green Party was one of the most exciting days for me in my 20 years as a Green, for reasons outlined in the blog and second response below

Andrew James, Lee Hamu, Ste D'Sa, Marcha James are all smiles while Ella James is not so sure (but isn't she cute??!!)

Amanda Judd who when she experienced how amazing Mike's campaign is, at the Young Greens weekend, went back home, quit her job and moved to Guelph to campaign for the last few weeks! That's impressive!!

I love this picture. Thanks to Amanda Judd for it!
Looking to a Greener future Blair, Elizabeth & Mike are changing Canada!

I just had to upload this -- the front of the first peice of literature that was dropped to every household in Guelph weeks ago. I just love it!

Blog from the Day Before the Event
Today is a day of days. It's the first day of a new era. It's a day that you don't want to miss. Come to Guelph today. There are tectonic forces at work in Canadian politics.

I imagine it's like being in Berlin the day the Berlin Wall fell. It's like being in South Africa when Nelson Mandela was liberated from jail -- or the day he was inaugurated as President. Imagine being in Berlin or South Africa while history was shifting . . .

We are in such a moment. Funny thing is -- not everyone sees or feels the moment in terms of how profound it is until later, when history books are written. Carpe Diem! Seize the day -- today is the day we all get to be part of history. It's the day we'll tell our grandchildren about -- I was there when . . .

Meet Canada’s first Green MP in Guelph today (Sunday, August 31)! Blair Wilson, the former independent MP who is now the Green Party’s first MP in Parliament, comes to Guelph with Elizabeth May to support Mike Nagy’s campaign.

Be part of this historic moment. There's an interesting saying "opportunity comes to pass not to pause." Twenty-five years of hard work by Greens all across Canada has brought the party to such a point where now we have a Green MP. The Green Shift has happened. Don't miss this historic day.

Don't miss your chance to be one of the first people to meet Blair and welcome him to the party! Arrive any time after 11 am and canvass a poll for Mike and experience the best run Green Party campaign ever! Bring a Green Party shirt.

Don't miss the rally and reception to welcome Blair to the party. Meet Blair, welcome him, and get a picture with Mike, Blair and Elizabeth!

4:30 pm Sunday August 31 (get there early!)

Rally to support Mike Nagy and welcome Blair Wilson to the Green Party -- with leader Elizabeth May

73 Gordon St., Guelph, ON (corner of Gordon & Wellington) see Google map,+guelph&sll=43...

Watch the Press Conference at
it's 11:37

CTV interview with Elizabeth May:

CTV interview with Blair Wilson:

CTV commentary at

Here's the GPC release on yesterday's historic event

Other Media Coverage at:


Kady O'Malley of liveblogs the announcement:


I've received a private email from someone worried that I am prone to hyperbole.

So if one person's writing me others might be thinking it . . . so I thought I'd reply.

Why the grand comparisons to other historic moments? I have blogged about it at but here's the most important point:

In the 1988 federal election the Reform Party won 275,000 votes and no seat – and then in the subsequent 1993 general election, the party won 2.5 million votes and 52 seats – just missing becoming the official opposition by just two seats. What accounted for the 52 seat jump and winning almost 10 times more votes? One simple thing.

In between the elections the Reform Party won a single seat in a by-election. Deb Grey became the lone voice in parliament arguing for the party’s position. Then in the 1993 election Reform Leader Preston Manning was included in the debates – millions of Canadians heard the Reform message and the party won almost 10 times more votes.

We are on the precipice of that same shift. With our first Green MP in Parliament, I see no way that the broadcast consortium can exclude Elizabeth from the televised leaders debates. The Green Party in turn is on the precipice of a profound shift.

I'll tell one more story that I don't think that I've told anywhere else. David Suzuki told this one 15 years ago -- and it's stuck with me ever since.

Some scientists at a university were studying the formation of sand piles. (How they get grants to study this stuff is beyond me -- but it turns out to be quite interesting).

They would drop grains of sand one at a time and watch the pile form. At some critical point, one more grain of sand dropped on the pile would create a landslide and sand would rush down the sides and broaden the base of the pile. Was it the last grain of sand that was responsible for the landslide?

Like some Zen paradox the answer is both yes and no. Yes, the last grain was the straw that broke the camel’s back, but no it wasn't -- in that all the other grains that preceded it were essential -- otherwise nothing would have happened.

The scientists could never predict which grain of sand would cause the landslide.

All they could predict was the ratio of small landslides to big ones. (I'll make up this next part) for instance for every five small landslide's there's one big one.

It is the same way with the profound environmental shift we have been waiting for is in the process of occuring:

Canada's 'natural governing party' -- the Liberal Party -- seeing the rapid rise of the Green Party has taken our primary plank -- the Green Tax Shift and adopted it as their own (albeit watering it down by 80% -- by only proposing a $10 a tonne carbon tax while we advocate $50). The Green Party is driving the political agenda in Canada.

If you ever doubt the power of the Green Party you only need to look to this.

During the 2007 Ontario provincial election campaign Frank de Jong, GPO leader, every day used the line "pay for what you burn, not what you earn" highlighting how the Green Party would raise taxes on non-renewable resrouces such as fossil fuels and decrease personal and corporate income taxes. Frequently I now read quotes in the newspaper from Liberal MPs using this line verbatim. The Green Party is defining the terms of political discourse in Canada.

In the Guelph by-election the NDP candidate has been talking about "green collar jobs" -- a term that I used extensively in the 2004 and 2006 federal elections. As far as I am aware of I was the first federal politician to talk about "green collar jobs." Imitation is the most sincere part of flattery.

Now Blair Wilson has become the first Green MP.

And Mike Nagy on the precipice of winning the Guelph by-election.

All of these are the shifts that precede the inevitable tsunami of change. But most people don't see the tsumani, you don't see the landslide of sand, you don't see the Reform Party winning 52 seats until after it has occured. In hindsight it's easy to realize how profound the shifts were that led up to the revolutionary change.

As Greens we need to recognige the mini-landslides for what they are as they are happening. . . (but an independent MP joining the Green Party isn't a small shift, nor is our rapid rise, nor is forcing the 'natural governing party to adopt in a watered down form our policy).

And so I say again . . . we are living in the time of all times -- the time when society, humanity, political institutions have to recognize the sacredness of this garden planet of the universe and create a new economy, a green economy that is not based on destroying, polluting the earth.

And there is only one party that understands how profound this threat is, and only one party that understands how profound the change must be . . . and that, of course, is the Green Party.

And so we are living in the day of days. . .

Hey Jim. Don't worry, don't stop. ( and I know you won't)

It's not only the accomplishment of the Reform Party but also the 1993 election that saw the Progressive Conservatives virtually wiped out. This led to their disappearance as a political party and the end of the Reform as it was known. The Social Credit Party also eventually disappeared from the political landscape and the CCF changed the tide in Canadian politics to evolve into the NDP which remained the lone voice of social/labour justice and peace for a long time.

I'm commenting because you've chosen to discuss it here in replying to a private email you received questioning your posts. I have told you privately and will say it here that I appreciate completely the enthusiasm and motivation that you bring to the party and I frankly don't think the by-elections would have achieved what they have recently without your help. Other parties are unapolegetic in their statements that they are the history makers. The NDP go to great lengths to evoke their history even though it can be argued that that bold vision of Tommy Douglas doesn't exist in the party today. The liberals go to great lengths to evoke their history and vision under men like Pearson and others or that they are the divine ruling party of Canada but we know that the liberals of the 21st century are a far cry from that vision.

The Green Party should never shy away from the vision we have of what needs to be done to change the direction of Canada and the face of Canadian politics. Leave the cynicism to guys like me. (grin)

So don't stop, don't worry and I know you won't.

Thanks Jim

This blog reflects my personal opinion.
It is not official Green Party Policy.

Nominated Candidate/Trinity-Spadina, Toronto


I am as happy as anyone that we have our first MP, but comparing this to the fall of communism in Europe or the end of apartheid is indeed a gross exaggeration that is an insult to anyone who actually lived under those horrendous regimes. This cannot be justified under any circumstance.

Canada is a wonderful country that is, by world standards, tremendously wealthy, holds free and fair elections, and where everyone is subject to the rule of law.

We may be going through a shift in Canadian politics at this point in time, but in no way shape or form does this compare.

Over the top....

I have to concur with David. Not only are these comparisons presumptuous, but they only cloud and obscure our real success. We can hope that this day marks a dramatic shift in Canadian politics, but lets let the history books draw the comparisons.

Blair didn't eat the corn

I ate it! But it was a tough decision --- eat the corn of the first ever Green MP or sell it on Ebay!



Great pictures from the day! I'm sure my mom will just love that one of me is up here!

- Amanda Judd
Female Organizing Chair of the Council of the Young Greens of Canada

Impressed by Campaing Advert

What a great campaign advertisement. Whoever put that together deserves a pat on the back.

Great Photos!

A great pictorial record from a day which wrought sheer joy and hope to the people of Guelph!

Concur with David and Michael

I have to strongly concur with both David and Michael. I am in Canada because of communism. In 1983 my parents left their family in Poland believing they may not see them again, to try to guarantee greater opportunities for their children.

Very little if anything compares with the end of a state where people feared for years being sent away to Gulags in Siberia - a reality some of my relatives faced, scarcity of goods and choice, a stranglehold on democracy, consistent fear of invasion, ideological indoctrination, religious intolerance etc etc.

We have the benefit of being able to care about the environment, and it's a duty we have to our world and our country. People under communist times did not have that luxury - they wondered how to live and succeed in a world of one-party rule, a bleak future for their children, scarcity and secret police.

The fall of communism was a paradigm shift, in the sense of Thomas Kuhn, as it led to a utterly and completely new global geopolitical orientation. In history and political science we now recognize the eras of the post-communist world and the communist world. The collapse marked the end of a politically, economically, socially and ideologically polarized world in which far, far too many people had to make horrific decisions and far too many more faced horrific fates.

I was as surprised and am as happy as anyone that we finally have our Green MP! It was monumental, there is no doubt, and I certainly felt the weight of how much potential impact it could have on the future of our country. It IS historical, and political science textbooks will be re-written in Canada with Blair's name beside the word Green. But please, please do not compare it to the fall of communism.


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