The Political Earthquake - From Within

The news came unexpectedly but was nonetheless very warmly received: in mid-morning at campaign headquarters in Guelph Blair Wilson's decision to join the Green Party of Canada was greeted with a diverse combination of shouts of exclamatory delight, tears of joy, and the sight of strangers hugging one another. The moment will be forever be etched in the consciousness of all those assembled at Mike Nagy headquarters.

News of our first seat in the House of Commons made a great day on the campaign trail better. Besides the terrific persistence and dedication of our foot canvassers, our seemingly omnipotent presence at the Farmer's Market, and candidate Mike Nagy's boundless energy, our exceptional Green bikers also pervaded the landscape. It is moving weekend in Guelph, meaning that many students and their parents are descending on the city, so much so that some streets are closed to vehicle traffic.

Part of the ingenuity of this special campaign lies in the methodology of Green campaigning. Green Party cyclists adorned their bikes with huge Mike Nagy signs and toured the university in the midst of the incoming masses. Many people were moved to stop what they were doing (literary putting down their furniture) and lustily cheered the Green bikers as they made their way through the campus.

I discovered the power of our unique campaign in another way: in the midst of asking our supporters to avail themselves of the advance polls I came across a male in his early twenties who had just been called ten minutes previously from a trusty volunteer outside of Ontario. He had just decided to support the Nagy campaign and moments later was being called to ask him to vote (which he committed to do) at the advance poll!

The spirit of this campaign is something to behold: It is an absolute personal joy to be working with former Green Party of Canada colleagues Danielle Roberts and Mark Kersten, who exhibit much dedication and integrity and embody all the best characteristics of political professionalism. The magnificent Guelph Greens are making this a great lifetime experience. History is in the move in Guelph!

Thanks for the story

What a great account of the day! Thanks, Chris. I wish I could've been there.

-- Brandon :)

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